2024-09-21 15:14:44
+ 1Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode+ 2Tatsunecro+ 2Zombie World+ 1Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon+ 3Revived King Ha Des+ 1Doomkaiser Dragon+ 3Mad Mauler+ 3Pain Painter+ 1Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon+ 1Deep Dark Trap Hole+ 1Bottomless Trap Hole+ 1Gravedigger's Trap Hole+ 1Malevolent Mech - Goku En+ 3Haunted Zombies+ 3Plaguespreader Zombie+ 1Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord+ 3Zombie Necronize+ 1Alghoul Mazera+ 3Archfiend Zombie-Skull+ 1Skeletal Dragon Felgrand+ 3Zombie Power Struggle+ 1Scapeghost+ 1Paladin of the Cursed Dragon+ 1Assault Mode Activate+ 1Robbin' Zombie+ 1Skelesaurus+ 1Immortal Dragon+ 3Return of the Zombies+ 2Glow-Up Bloom+ 1Hard-sellin' Zombie
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