2024-12-11 11:29:37
+ 1Fusion Deployment+ 1The King of D.+ 1Divine Dragon - Excelion+ 1Luster Dragon+ 1King Dragun+ 1Fusion Conscription+ 1Luster Dragon #2+ 1Lord of D.+ 1Fusion Recovery+ 1Divine Dragon Apocralyph+ 1Heavy Storm Duster+ 1Polymerization+ 1Primite Resounding Reaction+ 1Fire Opal Head+ 1Primite Drillbeam+ 1Divine Dragon Titanomakhia+ 1Double Dust Tornado Twins+ 1Tri-Horned Dragon+ 1Primite Howl+ 1Alexandrite Dragon+ 1Twin Twisters+ 1The Flute of Summoning Dragon+ 1Wild Tornado+ 1Dragolithia Kunzite+ 1The Melody of Awakening Dragon+ 1Mementotlan-Horned Dragon+ 1Primite Lordly Lode+ 1Dust Tornado+ 1Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand+ 1Divine Dragon Ragnarok+ 1Hyozanryu+ 1Labradorite Dragon+ 1Primite Another Beryl+ 1Fusion Reserve+ 1Lady of D.+ 1Divine Dragon Aquabizarre+ 1Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords+ 1Dragon Revival Rhapsody+ 1Fusion Substitute+ 1Primite Imperial Dragon+ 1Primite Roar
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