2025-01-24 20:41:58
+ 2Synchro Overtop+ 1Key Mace+ 1Ancient Pixie Dragon+ 3The World of Spirits+ 1Dreamsprite+ 1Sunlight Unicorn+ 1Spore+ 1Armored White Bear+ 2Wonko, Noble Knight of the Forest+ 1Nettles+ 1Regulus+ 1Emergency Assistance+ 1Ancient Fairy Dragon+ 2Eternal Sunshine+ 2Kuribon the Fairy Spirit+ 1Horn of Light+ 2Fairy Tale Prologue: Journey's Dawn+ 1Ancient Fairy Life Dragon+ 1Fairy Archer Ingunar+ 1Pixie Ring+ 1Kuribon+ 1Fairy Archer+ 1Synchro Gift+ 1Spirit of the Breeze+ 2Regulus the Fairy Beast+ 1Horn of the Unicorn+ 1Fairy Wind+ 1Sunny Pixie+ 1Bird of Roses+ 2Bat, the Forest Ninja+ 1Ancient Forest+ 1Ukanomitsune-no-Tamayura+ 2Spore the Fairy Cell
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