This Deck wants to make full use of Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle and Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle to control the field with the Lady of Lament monsters facilitating your Traps.
3 Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle and 1 Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle. Lady Labrynth is untargetable and indestructible, and it can even Summon itself from your hand, so you can just search her rather than Summon her off of a Welcome Labrynth Trap. She also sets Traps from Deck contrary to Lovely Labrynth who sets Trap from GY. Lovely Labrynth is what you are usually Summoning off of your Welcome Labrynth Traps and the Field Spell and it helps recur Traps and acts as hand destruction. 3 Lilith, Lady of Lament who is a Quick Effect to Tribute a DARK monster and has your opponent randomly set 1 of 3 Traps of your choice from Deck. 3 Alice, Lady of Lament who can Summon back a Lady of Lament monster from GY on Normal Summon and when she is Tributed, she can add 1 Fiend whose ATK and DEF equal 2000 in total. This can add any Lady of Lament or even Labrynth Stovie Torbie. 2 Labrynth Chandraglier which acts as a Level 3 DARK Fiend for Ties of the Brethren, but it does have the Labrynth effect of setting a Labrynth Spell/Trap from Deck and it adds itself back. 1 Tour Guide as another Level 3 Dark Fiend for Ties, but she can Summon your 1 Doomdog Octhros which searchs any Level 8 Fiend from Deck when it is sent from field to GY. This gets Lady Labrynth who can just Summon herself from hand. 2 Labrynth Stovie Torbie which has the Labrynth effect of setting a Labrynth Spell/Trap from Deck and recurring itself, and it can be searched off of Alice.
3 Ties of the Brethren which usually is used to Summon Lilith, Alice, and/or Doomdog Octhros to fuel Lilith's effect to search Traps, search Lady Labrynth, and search another Lady of Lament of Stovie Torbie. 1 Labrynth Labyrinth which can be searched off of your small Labrynth monsters and it acts as removal and it recurs Fiends. 3 Pot of Extravagance for draws. 3 Infinite Impermanence, 3 Torrential Tribute, 1 Trap Trick, 3 Big Welcome Labrynth, 3 Welcome Labrynth, 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device, and 2 Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch. Imperm is negation. Compulse, Torrential, and Glitch are removal which trigger all of your Labrynth effects. Welcome Labrynth and Big Welcome Labrynth are 6 extra copies of Lady Labrynth and Lovely Labrynth. You always want those in rotation which is why we are maxing out on the Welcome Labrynths that Summon them.
Extra Deck is nothing much. Garura, N'tss, Aggregator, Trouble Sunny, and Cambroraster are Ultimate Slayer/Dogmatika Punishment Targets with added effects. Garura draws a card, N'tss destroys a card, Aggregator negates a face-up card, Trouble Sunny sends a card, and Cambroraster protects set cards. Then we just have Knightmare Unicorn, Dharc the Dark Charmer Gloomy, and Salamangreat Almiraj. Almiraj is probably the most important one since it can Link off Doomdog to search Lady Labrynth.
Side Deck is 3 Lord of the Heavenly Prison if you are facing someone with a lot of backrow removal, EvilTwins Ki-sikil & Lil-la for Trouble Sunny, 3 Ultimate Slayer, 3 Lightning Storm, the second Trap Trick, 2 Dimensional Barrier, and 2 Dogmatika Punishment.