You usually open with Kashtira cards to punish handtraps, and pivot into Diabell/Azamina for a negate, and followup with Regensis card to make win the grindgame.
Sometime, you save Azamina for a push with Hollowed Azamina -> Wanted (Search Diabellstar Sinful Adjucator) -> Summon Saint Azamina -> Azamina Moa Regina -> Summon Azamina by tributing opponet monster -> Reborn Saint Azamina -> Wanted Shuffle Back Deception -> Pop 2. It is very annoying to out.
Standard combo is Kashtira Fenrir -> Search -> Diabell Send Fenrir Set Deception -> Deception Tribute -> Summon Unicorn -> Whatever.
You can recycle Regenesis Birth by banishing it with Diabellstar Sinful Adjucator and adding it back with Bemidar.