Write-up & Deck Submitted by Suzuha, one of the top Dueling Nexus Yugioh duelists:
Primary combo:
Unicorn / Kashtira Field / Terraforming (any 1 of these) + any exosister (preferrably stella + sophia for the +1, but any works because you can search stella in the combo).
Standard Unicorn combo.
Special Kashira Unicorn -> add kashtiratheosis to hand. -> use kashtiratheosis to special Fenrir from deck.
Kashtira Fenrir + Kashtira Unicorn
- Next, use Fenrir effect to add Riseheart to hand. Special Summon Kashtira Riseheart.
- XYZ Fenrir + Unicorn into XYZ Shangri-Ira. Feel free to use its effect when you want. (If you feel your opponent has Nibiru, you can always just pass if you have a lot of handtraps and bring out fenrir off this on their turn. however you wanna play it. for the sake of the combo, we're going to continue.)
- Riseheart activate effect, banish Kashtira big bang [trap], opponent banishes top 3 of their deck face down.
- Big bang activates, remove fenrir from XYZ Shangri-Ira, special it from hand, Riseheart becomes level 7.
- XYZ Shangri-Ira (1 material) + Kashtira Fenrir (specialed from hand) + Riseheart (Level 7)
- Riseheart + Fenrir to make XYZ Arsenal Falcon.
- Detach 1 from Arsenal Falcon, special summon RaidRaptor - Tribute Lanius
- Tribute Lanius effect activates,: send Raider's Wing to graveyard.
- Raiders Wing eff activate, Detach 1 more from Arsenal Falcon, special summon Raiders wing.
XYZ Shangri-Ira + XYZ Arsenal Falcon + Raiders' Wing (Lv 4 ) + Tribute Lanius (Lv 4)
- Make XYZ Shangri-Ira + XYZ Arsenal Falcon -> Number F0: Utopic Future -> Number F0: Utopic Draco Future (monster negate.)
- with Tribute Lanius and Raiders wing, make XYZ Exosister Kaspitell(only requires 2 lv 4 monsters).
- use its effect, add whatever exosister will let you cook (if you ideally have stella in hand, add sophia to hand so you can special her for the +1.)
-use your 2 cards (you should have an exosister in hand, and now you have kaspitell adding you whatever you need) to make XYZ Exosister Mikailis (add vadis to hand off its effect)
*Exosister Vadis lets us summon Martha + Elis on their turn, which can turn into graveyard lockout (Exosister Asopihel) or a monster eff negate ( Exosister Gibrine).
Field :
Number F0: Utopic Draco Future + Exosister Kaspitell + Exosister Mikailis+ Exosister Vadis trap card
- Use xyz kaspitell + mikailis to make exosisters magnifica. voila, base combo.
End Turn 1 Field: Exosisters Magnifica (Non targeting banish quick effect + targeted banish quick effect) + Number F0: Utopic Draco Future (monster negate) + Exosister Vadis (summons Martha + Elis on their turn, which creates 2 more potential interruptions. Even if your field gets dark-rulered, you can still create havoc with this card.) + you should +1 if you used sophia in combo, ideally you'll see some hand-traps.
On their turn:
Activate vadis (wait to see if they dark ruler your field first) if no DRNM, vadis. bring out Martha + Elis. Can then turn into our Exosister Asophiel (cant activate GY effects) or Mikalis (Quick effect targeting banish) and Exosister Gabrine (veiler ability, monster negate). Pick 2 depending on matchup. (I would only consider going Mikalis if my field was DRNM'd, because you can flip magnifica into mikalis after using the first banish (if necessary) but mikalis' ability is only once per turn, so keep that in mind.)
**If you have called by, you can activate Martha yourself by banishing one of their cards ( So go whatever first depending on the situation. )
Last Few Notes:
- typically will also have ash/imperm in hand. can easily draw into extra handtraps or ash/imperm off the +1 exosister sophia ( Only Pot if you don't see your two engine starters, can discard pot off magicians souls as well, then just use Souls + almiraj or some fodder you don't need to make little knight ).
- Illusion of Chaos can recycle your 4 bricks (Riseheart , Raiders Wing , Lanius, Big Bang) back to the deck if you top deck it. Really clutch sometimes.
- Crossout is solid for the mirror. can stop their pax and carpedivem.
- Almiraj Little Knight is super easy to make off of the Exosister's. Sometimes its necessary to clear, then you can Kashtira after the banish banish. similar synergy with typhon.
- Fitting in Zeus is nice especially if you Bagooska, hence him being in the sidedeck. Extra space is tight, can trim almiraj for it if you want. Zeus has won me so many games though, cards amazing.
- If I'm going 1st, I swap in the 3 forbidden lances from my side for the 2x DRNM + 1x called by.