2024-06-13 16:56:04
+ 2Hyper Hammerhead+ 3Mystical Space Typhoon+ 2Super-Ancient Dinobeast+ 3Jurrac Brachis+ 3Jurassic World+ 3Jurrac Guaiba+ 2Jurrac Herra+ 2Nobleman of Extermination+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 3Jurrac Protops+ 3Jurrac Monoloph+ 3Jurrac Gallim+ 2Mirror Force+ 2Jurrac Spinos+ 3Jurrac Stauriko+ 2Black Veloci+ 3Jurrac Velo+ 3Jurrac Velphito+ 2Nobleman of Crossout+ 3Jurrac Giganoto+ 1Monster Reborn+ 3Call of the Haunted
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