This is Joey Wheeler's updated deck. Though it does not make use of all the new Red-Eyes support, because it would be out of character for Joey, whose deck is more focused on warrior monsters and luck cards. In that regard, in this deck you'll find "Fairy Box", "Time Wizard" and its beautiful two fusion evolutions: "Time Magus" and "Time Magic Hammer". Along with the remaining Hermos fusions: "Goddes Bow", "Rocket Hermos Cannon" and "Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword", the deck also runs two new fusions that may very well be run by Joey: "Re-Eyes Slash Dragon" and "Gilti-Gearfried the Magical Steel Knight", which are a good balance between Joey's Red-Eyes play and its warriors. The deck runs numerous warrior monsters: three copies of Blue Flame Swordsman, which give a very good performance when played with "Marauding Captain" and "Valkyrian Knight" (that even though not part of Joey's cards I added to the deck because of its good interactions with the above said cards). Then the classic Jinzo, Gearfried and its evolution and, to conclude, some support for Red-Eyes used by Joey in the anime: "Paladin of Dark Dragon" and the very good "Lord of the Red". Manju of 10.000 hands to ease their summon. "Fusion Reserve" to recover Polymerization and work faster on your fusions.