Side Deck

2025-03-19 07:48:06
+ 1Lava Golem+ 1Multi-Universe+ 1Tiki Curse+ 1Transaction Rollback+ 1Imperial Custom+ 1Obelisk the Tormentor+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix+ 1Mind Castlin+ 1Gravekeeper's Commandant+ 1Elder Entity Norden+ 1Exchange of the Spirit+ 1Makyura the Destructor+ 1Gravekeeper's Headman+ 1Dangers of the Divine+ 1Statue of Anguish Pattern+ 1Divine Scorpion Beast of Serket+ 1Booby Trap E+ 1Exchange of Despair and Hope+ 1Gravekeeper's Oracle+ 1Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard+ 1Embodiment of Apophis+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Temple of the Kings+ 1Zolga the Prophet+ 1Merciless Scorpion of Serket+ 1Krishnerd Witch+ 1The True Name+ 1Dark Magician the Dragon Knight+ 1Silvera, Wolf Tamer of the White Forest+ 1Angel Statue - Azurune+ 1Metamorphosis+ 1Necrovalley+ 1Blast Held by Destiny+ 1Fairy Cheer Girl+ 1Time Thief Redoer+ 1Gravekeeper's Shaman+ 1Gravekeeper's Spiritualist+ 1Verdict of Anubis+ 1Anubis the Last Judge+ 1Land Flipping+ 1Agido the Ancient Sentinel+ 1Gravekeeper's Chief+ 1Convulsion of Nature+ 1Keldo the Sacred Protector+ 1Number 60: Dugares the Timeless+ 1Treasures of the Kings+ 1Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times+ 1The Zombie Vampire+ 1Terraforming+ 1Rciela, Sinister Soul of the White Forest+ 1Summer Schoolwork Successful!+ 1Ancient Chant+ 1Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist+ 1Soul Energy MAX!!!+ 1Ultimate Offering+ 1D.D. Post+ 1Muddy Mudragon+ 1The Breaking Ruin God+ 1Cosmo Queen the Queen of Prayers+ 1Apophis the Swamp Deity+ 1Qardan the Clear-Sighted+ 1You're Finished+ 1Mystical Beast of Serket+ 1Metaverse+ 1Shapesister+ 1Apophis the Serpent+ 1Ebon Sun+ 1Defense of the Temple+ 1That's 10!+ 1The Man with the Mark+ 1Divine Serpent Apophis+ 1Gravekeeper's Trap+ 1Mudora the Sword Oracle

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