Overview - I am currently at Platinum 4 with this deck. I am 100% free to play and have found that it is extremely versatile and fun. It can go 1st and set up a recursive board with a decent floodgate (El Shaddoll Winda) with some good interruptions (Machaba, Handtraps, Super Poly, Fusion Summoning on their turn, etc). Going 2nd if your handtraps are not enough to stop them from board building you have plenty of options to out their board while setting up your own. The decks biggest weakness is Eldlich and True Draco; usually because they don't care about Winda and they can usually floodgate you out of the game. Both match-ups are still winnable. Overall the deck is an easier one to pick up for those who are newer to a modern format or are coming from something like Duel Links while still offering plenty of complexity and a good learning curve for those looking for something that isn't just 'Monkey Flip'. If you have any comments or suggestions I would love to read them.
Card Explanations -
Invoked Package - Best normal summon in the game? If you can, get out Machaba first to protect the rest of your plays. Otherwise, the entire package is usually amazing Ash/negation bate. With such a tight extra deck Purgatrio might seem like an odd choice but it closes out games and clears boards in a deck that often has trouble doing both otherwise. Hence the reason for the Almiraj into Gardna combo. Machaba, importantly, can also be summoned in under 5 summons to avoid
The Rock.
Shaddolls: The ratio's can always be played around and tweaked with. I have settled with what you see now with much experimentation. You usually want some in your hand to get more fusion summons and a negate from Shekhinaga/Machaba. Worth noting that the Ariel and Dragon can both be used on the opponents turn to mess up your opponents plays. Incarnation in the grave also turns any of your Shaddoll's flip effects into quick effects. Getting Schism is often a priority because an El Shaddoll Winda and/or an Apkallone on your opponents turn will often either end their turn or severely hinder it.
Hand Traps: Generally, run what you have and what you like. However, you need some lights for Construct and an Earth for Shekhinaga. The Ash for Purgatrio is also kind of funny.
Spellbook of Knowledge: Pot of Desires is fine, but I like Knowledge. Feel free to try either. The other pots are probably not an option when you are too likely to banish something important. You can also replace them with Upstart Goblin's.