The deck is to set up umi as soon as possible to make your whole deck playable, you got 5 umis, sea stealth 2 and legendary ocean which both treats itself as umi, sea stealth attack can set up from the grave with physalia giving you a negate, with a free ss and protection from the sea stealth attack, the deck gets stronger as you set up more of the cards and destructions the deck has with legendary fisherman 3 being able to basically wipe the opponent's field and cause an otk, your extra deck is mainly with XYZ that can be used if you don't have legendary ocean with stealth kragen harming your kiryu's floodgate effect but grants you swarming of destruction which is costless and deals damage half of the destroyed monster's attack, toadally awesome is just a good card all around you run it at 3 with Bahamut shark, that is about it