Aster Phoenix has been one of the intriguing characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, and his "Destiny HERO" Deck has interested me ever since he played it the first time in "GX". But with such lackluster stats and only effects to work with, I didn't think it was worth the trouble to check out more in depth.
Well, thanks to "Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V" rebooting Aster's character and improving on his strategies, I decided to give it one more try and construct my own "Destiny HERO" Deck, balanced out on alternating strategies. This Deck focuses on maxing out the abilities and improving upon the power of the monsters, while making full usage of the full power of cards like "Clock Tower Prison" and "Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude".
Hope you enjoy, and feel free to comment with suggestions on improvement.