Deck Style: OTK, Combo
Main Attribute, Type: Earth, Machine
The primary strategy of the deck is to go second and OTK with your high attack machines. Juggernaut Liebe and Gustav Max are your main ways of dealing high amounts of damage along with attack boosting cards like Limiter Removal. The infinitrack Xyzs are to be used as toolbox options and also to rank-up into your OTK enablers through Outrigger Extension. When forced to go first, the deck can still hold it's ground by setting up some combination of Super Dora, Megaclops, Outrigger Extension, and Infinitrack Goliath being used as Xyz material. 3 copies of limiter removal can be swapped out for other cards if desired (handtraps are recommended). The Xyz ratios of the Extra Deck can also be tailored to personal preference.