Many people would argue this isn't a meta deck, but in my experience this deck can consistently beat classic meta decks. This deck is a combination of Machinas and Infinitracks, with a bit of rank 10 train support added in. These three archetypes have incredible consistency, as they are all earth machines and don't lock each other out of summoning. The strategy would be to use Machina air carrier or Megaform to get out citadel, which can nuke your opponent and bring itself back easily. The superdreadnoughts are easy to bring out, what with the trains and railroad stampede. Then you cana get liebe from either of the superdreadnoughts, which can easily get itself to over 8000 attack. It has no built-in protection, but that can easily be fixed with Infinitrack goliath and outrigger extension, both of which are searchable. With all of these Xyz Monsters, it is relatively easy to bring out Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops, which in this current meta is nightmarishly difficult to remove. The searchers in this deck are Machina metalcruncher, Infinitrack Harvester, Machina redeployment, Machina air carrier, and revolving switchyard. Finally, infinitrack tunneller can recycle things in the graveyard, and lets you draw two cards at the same time. The seven sins is summoned by using Harvester and Anchor Drill, and is a 4k beatstick with good removal effects and protection.
The extra deck cards are replaceable if you think you have a better idea, but I recommend keeping infinitrack goliath and the the superdreadnoughts.
If you want to try it out, go to and download my deck.