23 Igknights - (No space for the 24th, 3rd Margrave) - 2 ignights lead to full wombo combo which creates lowkey unbreakable board.
3x Summoner's art - nvm there are actually 26 Igknights.
3x Painful decision - nvm 29 igknights, sending an igknight to the grave matters due to new Flame Noble arms equip and for phoenix blade (my fav scale).
Rota - ah I see where this is going but this rarely searches a scale.
Cards you search off 2 Igknights
2x Sublime Knight - You never wanna open 2 so just 2, he is the most searched Fire Warrior of Igknights so it makes sense to run more then 1 atleast.
1x Squeaknight - So In a nutshell Sublime knight is a 1 card Isolde due to SqueaKnight.
1x Super Quantum Red Layer - I mean why not he is a free drop, you actually rarely search him off Igknights this days but there is nothing wrong with him, atleast he can out inspector boarder, can help you reach knightmare phoenix before you do Isolde etc.
1x Flame Noble Knight Renaud - This is lowkey the second most important card in a deck after Armageddon Knight, a fire warrior Kizan if you will which pluses.
1x Flame Noble Knight Olivier - This card helps you make needlefiber at the end of the most combos, it can also help you make Isolde in some hands.
1x God Phoenix Gearfried - can be revived off Ferocious Flame Swordsman. Searched of Igknights, with scythe running around you better have non extra deck wincon, fantastic removal to, just a freaking backup boss monster really which often finds its way to the main combo board
3X D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation - The deck can somewhat loop the Arma without powertool sometimes (just bounce him with zephyros, pend him sending monk) but Overall D.D.R makes the deck more resiliant and fixes your bad hands
Other Isolde turbo cards
3x Neo Space Connector - Its the best 1 card Isolde after Sublime knight in this deck
Aqua Dolphin - CBTG on crack, you can pendulum summon as with most of the deck, sometimes you can leviar this back
Extra deck
2x Isolde - even the first effect is busted because you get a scale / half a search
Ferocious Flame Swordsman - Another way to loop the arma, this card has many mini implications I wouldnt touch Igknights without it
Knightmare Phoenix - purely for going second (well you can APP colink but you get what I mean)
Power Tool Dragon - nearly always live as this deck has 1 more equip then my usual igknight decks due to bamboo engine (searches d.d.r.)
Leviar the Sea Dragon - not to relevant as I really never needed plague (not hopt) hand declog, this can be a borrelsword once we get Dragun, but it has some implications tho
Desert Locust - handloop, they choose, but this card made me choose Fiber over Herald
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