Welcome to my build of Infernoble Flame Swordsman!
Deck Summary:
If you're a nostalgia fiend like me, you're familiar with Flame Swordsman. Coined as one of Joey Wheeler's signature monsters in the first installment of the anime series, Flame Swordsman was literally just some guy with a sword that occasionally caught fire. Given that there was absolutely no way Joey would carry the fusion requirements, let alone Polymerization, in his deck, he just straight shotgunned a normal summon and boom. Fusion Monster.
The retrain, however, has proven to be a little lackluster. While it's a great, straight-forward OTK strategy, Flame Swordsman can't necessarily stand on it's own as a proper deck. Hence why we are pairing it with...
Infernobles! I've been meaning to build these guys since they released on Master Duel. Matter of fact, I'm almost certain I had the entire suite, but wanted to build a full-fledged Noble Arms deck and got too impatient. Regardless, I had the leftover dust from building Ashened (I know, I know...) and figured it was time to finally give these guys a shot.
Infernobles are Noble Knights only... on fire. The end. Roll credits. Cue Linkin Park.
But this particular strategy revolves around monsters becoming equip cards that also double as Synchro Material to reach their boss. Everyone is well aware that the deck is really good as a Rogue strat. Heck, there's probably several of these builds lying around.
That said, we're gonna take a crack at making this a consistent, FIRE Warrior strategy.
Endboard & Combo Line Example
Let me just start by saying I absolutely LOVE how intuitive this deck is. At first, it took a second to really get the hang of how the cards worked, but it's almost criminal how well everything synergizes with each other.
If you're familiar with the slang 'Voltron' in MTG or 'Towers' that's basically what we're trying to accomplish here.
Our Turn 1 Endboard has us ending on both [Emperor Charles the Great] and [Ultimate Flame Swordsman]. Bonus points if you have [Immortal Phoenix Gearfried] in hand as it's an insane negate.
To access a board like this, we would need only 4 cards total. So, not a dedicated 1-card combo, but sweeping strategies nonetheless. Regardless, anything you end on will be a problem for your opponent.
The hand should look something like: [Fighting Flame Swordsman], Ogier, Renaud, Ricardetto, Gearfried.
1. Start with banishing Ricardetto to Special Summon FF Swordsman. Trigger the ETB and grab [Flame Swordsrealm].
2. Normal Summon Ogier and dump literally anyone (Oliver is a great pick for extra protection)
3. Special Summon Renaud, add back whatever you feel like you need. (Turpin is a great dump as well considering you get an extra Special Summon)
4. Activate Swordsrealm and send FF Swordsman then Special Summon [Flame Swordsman] from the Extra Deck. GY Effect triggers and you'll want to send [Salamandra, the Flying Flame Dragon]. Then THAT GY Effect triggers and you'll want to grab [Salamandra Fusion].
5. Equip Fusion to [Flame Swordsman] and activate the effect which will allow us to Special Summon [Ultimate Flame Swordsman]. Activate Salamandra FFD in the grave and equip it to UFS.
6. Now, we'll Synchro Summon into Angelica. With her, grab [Noble Arms Museum], activate it and grab Almace. Activate it targeting Angelica to trigger her effect. Banish her and Special Summon the Synchro monster: Captain Roland (we're roland, roland, roland... WHAT?? Roland, roland... okay, I'm sorry.)
7. This is where things get a little tricky. Go ahead and equip one of the monsters from the grave onto Roland. Per [Noble Arms Museum], we can Special Summon our Infernoble Equip Spell as a monster (PREFERABLY ONE THAT IS NOT A TUNER, very important.) From there Summon our boi Charles.
8. Thankfully, we can use Roland's second ability to equip him to Charles making him eligible to link off for [Emperor Charles the Great.]
9. Lastly, if you can, equip any remaining monsters to Big Boy Charles and use Gearfried's ability to banish any Equip Spell from field or grave to Special Summon. At the End Phase, Charles will add an Equip Spell from hand or grave on top of a FIRE Warrior Monster from Deck.
Follow-Ups & Tech
Tell you the truth? There's not much else this deck does outside of bringing out our 3 flaming bois and running over everything the opponent might dish out. The good news is that it's increasingly difficult given you can attach any of the Infernoble monsters onto all three of them respectively.
As our secondary strategy, we have Princess and Amblowhale, of course. If anything, these will be our main recursion pieces as you can reborn Princess alongside any of the Link-2s used for her with Amblowhale, of which both are exeedingly glowing choices.
Of course, Princess can revive our main lads so it's best to save this particular line until some of our dudes are down and out.
Finally, Captain Oliver. As easy as it is to bring this guy out, he's definitely in "last resort" territory. The way I saw it was that they'd have to deal with an untargetable, destruction immune, swole AF Oliver while you set up your recursion line with Princess. Granted, most of my games have almost never gotten to that point. However, the option is there.
For additional protection, we have [Fighting Flame Sword] which is basically the Swiss Army Knife of searchers. It also doubles as counter destruction against monsters attacking your FIRE Warriors and a Negate that specifically targets a Flame Swordsman monster.
We're also playing the in-archetype Trap Cards for added distruption as well as providing a workaround to bring out [Fighting Flame Dragon] of which nobody plays in most builds. I'm a big fan of utilizing the most out of any archetype and, since we're trying to dominate the board with just 3 guys, having another attack during the Battle Phase is quite nice.
For Handtraps, it's important to note that our entire Spell & Trap field will be preoccupied with our equips so Imperm, TTT and so on are out of the question with the exception of Called By. Any monster that can snap from hand will do, really.
Not too much to go into here. We have obvious picks like Baronne and Diabellstar as well as some FIRE-Attribute tech in the event you're looking for some alternatives.
You can do a lot with Infernobles alone, but alongside Flame Swordsman is where it starts to get a little too tight.
I've been wanting to explore a Salamangreat variation just to see how it plays out, but we're short a couple of UR crafts, sadly. Even then, I don't think the ED will have nearly enough space, but we shall see.
I would confidently recommend this deck to anyone who stepped away from the game for an extended period of time and has no familiarity with modern mechanics.
Not only is the main strategy simple to understand, but it's very easy to accomplish even against most disruption heavy decks.
Hell, I'd recommend this being the first deck for anyone starting out. Equip Spells were some of the first to make their way into circulation in the earlier years of the game. Introducing recognizable mechanics in the form of monsters is merely a speed bump sized hill in what is the learning curve of this deck. Even then, it's not even that steep to begin with.
Either way, if you enjoy unga-bunga strategies with some added goodies, definitely give this deck a shot.
Also, feel free to use my campaign code in case you have a fresh account, or are just starting out: 00cdab64