As the name implies, this deck focuses on being able to turbo out Toadally Awesome turn 1 and contains lots of rank 4s that can be special summoned to achieve this. Ideally on turn 1 you want to bring out Bahamut Shark to detach a material and then summon Toadally Awesome. Having Defender of the Ice Barrier with another Ice Barrier monster on field is also great since it stops your opponent from declaring an attack (as long as their monsters have attack greater than 1600). On turn 2 you will want to summon out either Trishula Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier or regular Trishula to remove cards with its' non-targeting banishing effect. Usually, if my opponent has 3 or more cards I will try to summon Zero Dragon, and if they have only one card on the field I will summon out regular Trishula so I can also banish cards from their hand and graveyard too.
If you manage to draw Gozen Match on turn one then this is a great time to summon Number 4: Stealth Kragen from the Extra deck as it changes all monsters to the water Attribute. If your opponent does not play any water monsters this is especially effective, as they will simply be locked into the one monster that you have changed into water with Steatlh Kragen plus the effect of Gozen Match.
*I used a modified version of this deck to climb to Platinum in Master Duel. Since Toadally Awesome is limited to one on Master Duel I substitute the second Toad with Number 47: Nightmare Shark. I also cut 1 Prior of the Ice Barrier, Salvage and Upstart Goblin for 3 Maxx "C" since the extra draw power is absolutely incredible in this deck. If you can find other cards that consistently give you draw power I heavily recommend that you use them in this deck as they help it greatly, both in real life and in Master Duel.