Normal Jet, Linkuriboh, Halq, Halq effect: Deskbot 001, Linkross (2 tokens), summon back Linkuriboh, use Linkuriboh + Linkross to make Borg Blocker.
001 + Borg Blocker to make Auroradon, 3 tokens, summon back 001, Auroradon effect, tribute itself and 1 Mecha Phantom Beast(MPB) token to summon O-lion.
O-lion + MPB token to make T.G. Librarian, O-lion effect, 001 + Linkross token to make Formula, Formula + MPB token to make Accel Synchron.
Accel ef to increase level, Accel + MPB token to make Crocodragon. Combo off with whatever you have left and/or drawn.
Deskbot 003 way: Draws 6
Normal oo3, summon 001, make Halq, summon O-lion, Linkross (2 tokens), make Metal Marcher, summon back either tuner, DO NOT use O-lions effect.
Linkross + 1 other monster to make Borg Blocker, Auroradon, 3 MPB tokens, summon back 001, Auroradon effect: itself + one MPB token, summon O-lion.
O-lion + MPB token to make T.G. Librarian, O-lion effect, 001 + Linkross token to make Formula, Formula + MPB token to make Accel Synchron.
Use Accel's effect to dump Jet and increase level, summon Crocodragon, summon back Jet (preferably dump Eldlich), summon Ascension Sky Dragon.
Chain 1 Sky dragon's effect, chain 2 Librarian's effect. Combo off with whatever you have left and/or drawn.
Deep Sea Diva way: Draws 6
Normal Diva, summon Ice Barrier (for the memes), make Linkuriboh, make Halq, summon 001, Linkross (2 tokens), summon back Linkuriboh.
Make Borg Blocker, make Auroradon, 3 MPB tokens, summon back 001, Auroradon effect: itself + one MPB token, summon O-lion.
O-lion + MPB token to make T.G. Librarian, O-lion effect, 001 + Linkross token to make Formula, Formula + MPB token to make Accel Synchron.
Use Accel's effect to dump Jet and increase level, summon Crocodragon, summon back Jet (preferably dump Eldlich), summon Ascension Sky Dragon.
Chain 1 Sky dragon's effect, chain 2 Librarian's effect. Combo off with whatever you have left and/or drawn.
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