So... this thing has a lot of nasty cards such as:
Vanity's Fiend
Vanity's Ruler
Majesty's Fiend
Archlord Kristya
and Sky Scourge Invincil
these ones will be your new friends in the ranked matches.
Main strat is to summon one of these on the first turn by using cards like photon sanctuary or star blast and stall.
This deck is not meant to be played in the tcg, and i only created this monstruosity to counter almost every deck in the game for free wins. This thing is nasty and i know it, so plz only comment cards that could be useful in the deck.
Time changed, and also the decklist got updated!!! The deck is 50 cards now, but it also has more nasty floodgates!!
other good cards that u can add for more "fun" are Necrovalley, rivalry of warlords, evenly matched, macro cosmos, summon limit, lose 1 turn and mistake.