AGOV is coming quickly, less then 3 months left. So here is another creation for that format for all Tri-Brigade lovers.
Let's go over new adittion to the Tri-Brigade package. We will look at the new cards and of course explain the new combo you need to know.

Imsety, Glory of Horus is your new starter in the deck. This card can search another important card, Pharaonic Sarcophagus which you need for your combo. Of course, this card cannot work alone and it works with another card called Tri-Brigade Kitt and I'll explain how when I will be explaining the combo.

Duamutef, Blessing of Horus is a Beast type level 8 "Horus" monster. Only important things are the things I just said. You will never use it's second effect and except for Imsety, Glory of Horus , you will only be using the Special Summon effect of "Horus" cards. That also goes for Hapy, Vanguard of Horus and Qebehsenuef, Aegis of Horus because their last effect is not really useful.

Pharaonic Sarcophagus is the heart and soul of "Horus" archtype and this card is the main combo piece. It can be a starter, but it's still a 1 of in a deck because you want to search it with Imsety, Glory of Horus and in the process draw a card. It's a Foolish Burial on steroids, but of course just for "Horus" archtype which is fine because they are (except for Imsety, Glory of Horus ) all winged beast/beast/beast-warrior type.

Canopic Protector is the only "Horus" card I don't think you should play. Why is that? Well, you cannot search it and your "Horus" monsters usually won't be in the graveyard, they will be banished. And if you really want to play Foolish Burial Goods so that you can get easier access to it, fine, you can go that route, but I chose this one because I think it's much better. As I said, your "Horus" monsters are not going to be in your gy, they are going to be banished. Except for Imsety, Glory of Horus which has somewhat ok last effect, but still it's not good enough and not worth running this card.
Now for the combo.
You need Tri-Brigade Kitt , Imsety, Glory of Horus and 3 cards in hand (doesn't matter what they are):
-You activate the effect of Imsety, Glory of Horus to send itself and another card from your hand to the gy to add Pharaonic Sarcophagus and draw a card.
-Use the effect of Pharaonic Sarcophagus 3 times, sending all 3 "Horus" monsters, but you need to use Tri-Brigade Kitt and send it once to trigger it and send Tri-Brigade Nervall to trigger that to add Tri-Brigade Kerass .
-Activate the effects of all 4 "Horus" monsters in your gy and then use Imsety, Glory of Horus and another "Horus to Xyz Summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy under the left extra monster zone (very important to remember) and then use the remaining 2 "Horus" monsters to link summon I:P Masquerena .
-Normal Summon Tri-Brigade Kerass and use it's effect to banish 4 cards from your gy (doesn't matter which) and Summon Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen and use it and Kerass to Link Summon Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom and then trigger Omen's effect to add Tri-Brigade Fraktall .
-Use Ferrijit's effect to summon Fraktall and use the effect of Fraktall to banish 2 cards and Summon Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager and then use Rampager, Ferrijit and Fraktall to Link Summon into Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess and use effect of Rampager to add Tri-Brigade Revolt .
This combo gives you next: 3 monster negates, 1 spell negate, Revolt to Link Summon Omen to banish a card + go +1 because of Nervall giving you follow up aswell as does Kitt. I:P can use Omen and itself to summon S:P Little Night to your field to banish another card + it can banish another card when card effect activates which gives you another +1 of Omen's add where you will usually add a Lyrilusc like Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow or Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail which will search your Lyrilusc engine. So, 7 dissruptions +2 cards for follow up. Isn't that insane?
I'm in love with this deck alredy and I hope you like it too.