can go 2nd or first but no optimized for either or one or the other. no other masked heroes because super poly and fusion destiny make the extra, extra tight. going first, hold onto normal summon for liquid or solid to get shadow mist and then into dark law. going second, bait and bluff negates to use stratos or something to get phatty boards. can take out drawhand for celestial. drawhand and dark law and droll have neat little lock you can do at start which is pretty epic. don't maindeck droll because i don't have two. take out all handtraps and replace with adusted gold. when pot of greed gets unbanned can take out two stratos. don't play dark ruler no more because i HATTE dark ruler no more and its kinda counter intuitive to break their board and then make a board that they can't break. Just build going first focused deck at that point. oh wait HERO boards are super breakable? ok then put in three e for baits, and make it so that your wincon for going first dark law which percentage is not too bad i think. I tried to calculate it but i got the wrong calculations, anyway for going to second build a board with stratos. Cool little trick you can do is mailcous bane on board effect into mask change, epic board clear, unless you're playing aginst dragon link in which case you can attack in the first place. take trinity out because we are breaking boards with super poly. easy fix to all of this is to play droplets then you don't have to spend any slots on superpoly targets and it is easy street, plus helps discard le brick.