Dracoslayer Pendulum with Bystial + Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon Engine, Heavysamurai Engine for going-first Baronne siding into going-second cards. Mainlines:
Heavysamurai Motorbike -> Baronne
Heavysamurai Wakaushi -> lvl 4 Tuner + extra Body -> Normal Summon lvl 4 Pendulum -> Ignister Prominence + Scales + Beyond
Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon + Bystial -> Chaos Emporer -> Bystial Banish -> Chaos Emporer Scale -> get back Revo
Dracoslayers chaining in Scales -> Beyond
Post Pendulum Summon with Beyond in EMZ:
Synchro Ignister Prominence -> Summon Dragon -> Pisty -> Tripple Burst using Igniter -> Pisty eff summon Ignister -> Pisty + Tripple -> Seals
Synchro Ignister Prominence -> Special -> IP -> Odd-Eyes Revo Scale eff -> resummon Ignister
Ignister + Dinister Power / Chaos Emporer -> Hope Harbinger