2025-01-06 06:15:13
+ 1Unexpected Dai+ 1Allvain the Essence of Vanity+ 2Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Duel Academy+ 1Gaia The Fierce Knight+ 1Tornado Dragon+ 1Gagagigo the Risen+ 1Ancient Rules+ 1First of the Dragons+ 1Galaxy Serpent+ 1Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon+ 1Orgoth the Relentless+ 1Naturia Leodrake+ 1Dragon Horn Hunter+ 1Venom Cobra+ 1Polymerization+ 1Vampire Lady+ 1Curse of Dragon+ 1Armory Arm+ 1Bottomless Trap Hole+ 1Heart of the Underdog+ 1Common Charity+ 1Summon Dice+ 1Alexandrite Dragon+ 1Double Summon+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Scrap Archfiend+ 1Cyber-Tech Alligator+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Man-Eater Bug+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Tatsunoko+ 1Kuraz the Light Monarch+ 1Giant Red Seasnake+ 1Magic Cylinder+ 1Dragon Zombie+ 1Gaia the Dragon Champion+ 1Scapeghost+ 1Labyrinth Wall+ 1Power Pro Knight Sisters+ 1Lightning Vortex+ 1Rush Recklessly+ 1Cyber Dragon+ 1Gem-Knight Pearl+ 1Panzer Dragon+ 1Summoner's Art+ 1Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Dragong+ 1Wattaildragon+ 1Angel Trumpeter+ 1Dark Factory of Mass Production+ 1Celtic Guardian+ 1Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger+ 1Sea Monster of Theseus+ 1Alien Shocktrooper+ 1Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth+ 1Effect Veiler+ 1Dark Rabbit
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