Subterror Guru is a recently released monster for the Subterror archetype that brings it all together, more or less. When he is flipped face up, he searches any subterror card. This facilitates a control-oriented strategy where Guru Searches fiendess, who flips Guru facedown, who in turn searches another fiendess. This "loop" is supported by various fun and interactive trap cards like There Can Be Only One, as well as Subterror Final Battle, and a plethora of hand traps.
The deck is slow in the sense that it isn't explosive, but when it gets going uninterrupted is hard to stop.
Any suggestions to the deck welcome! Side deck subject to change based on local metagame.
Current ideas:
-Maindeck compulsory evacuation device, cosmic cyclones, or heavy storm duster.
-Replacing ghost ogres with phantazmays or any of the above.
-Trying set rotation/metaverse with necrovalley or mystic mine for additional stun options