Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
Who is gonna win? An entire army of monsters, or a single girl in a mech suit?
My money is on Raye (and her friends Roze, Little Knight, TY-Phon and Zeus), since she is more powerful than ever with not one, BUT TWO COPIES OF ENGAGE, ONE OF THE MOST BUSTED CARD IN YUGIOH!
New cards in the Striker arsenal include Triple Tactics Thrust, which is essentially another copy of Engage or any other blind second boardbreaker you have. This incredible spell card is almost always live, since opponents generally play on your turn with their own deck's monster effects (for example, Fire Kings).Thrust is kind of more affordable now with the recent reprint as well!
The Extra deck notably has TY-Phon, since you can turn a stolen monster (of course in addition to your MANY ways of taking a monster, you can now steal with triple Mind Control) into a beefy beatstick floodgate! Your enemy's XYZ monster and the ever common TY-Phon can be stolen and turn into Zeus in main phase 2 as well! Little Knight and Azalea offer additional removal on the field.
A cool interaction with Linkage is that it can turn your Little Knight, TY-Phon or Zeus into a Sky Striker Ace and you can go back to your Striker gameplan!
The philosophy with Blind Second Sky Strikers is to wipe out most if not all of your opponent's resources that they slap down on the board going first, and then close out the match with Sky Striker's unparalleled grind game.
This deck has cards specifically picked out for the January 2024 meta, like Triple Tactics Talents/Thrust (super good since duelists often monster effects during your turn or handtraps you) and 9 monster stealing cards (particularly good at cracking Fire King boards).
The current meta allows for Evenly Matched and Raigeki to obliterate most duelist's boards this format since they spend all their resources building their "unbreakable" board only to fall to 1-2 cards - allowing your Sky Striker gameplan to go off unhindered and out-resource your opponent.
When your opponent forces you to go 1st thinking all you do is spam "Raigeki" and "Evenly Matched," metagame them by siding in all your handtraps in the sidedeck, as well as your searchable normal trap floodgates like Dimensional Barrier and Different Dimensional Ground!
If your weakened opponent hasn't surrendered yet due to the sheer resource advantage and offensive pressure this deck generates, you can clear the board with a plethora of cards including Linkage, allowing Raye to OTK all by herself!
If you have any questions about this deck, feel free to ask me in the comments below!
GLHF Duelists!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!