2024-11-10 20:19:37
+ 2Gagaga Sister+ 1Xyz Reflect+ 1Number 69: Heraldry Crest+ 2Gagaga Girl+ 2Onomatopaira+ 2Power Giant+ 2Gagaga Cowboy+ 1Xyz Unit+ 2Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Number 49: Fortune Tune+ 1Gagagabolt+ 2Tin Goldfish+ 1Gagagashield+ 2Gagaga Magician+ 1Bottomless Trap Hole+ 2Dododo Witch+ 1Double Summon+ 1Number 55: Gogogo Goliath+ 1Crevice Into the Different Dimension+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 2Gagagawind+ 1Xyz Effect+ 1Windstorm of Etaqua+ 2Gogogo Golem+ 1Star Changer+ 1Guard Go!+ 1Xyz Reception+ 1Dododo Swordsman+ 1Bacon Saver+ 1Onomatopickup+ 2Gagagarevenge+ 1Gagaga Samurai+ 1Photon Strike Bounzer+ 2Gagaga Child
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