Hi, Grayewick the Fusionist here, back with an actual Fusion strategy again in a long time this time, one that is not necessarily not a top tier deck itself but can definitely kill most top tier decks, especially Eldlich and Drytron, Gravekeeper's Dogmatika. As per usual, cards on the main will be my personal choices based on what cards I currently have, and the cards on the side will be the tech options for you to consider.
A few questions:
"Why Dogmatika? That seems counter intuitive since they're all about the GY set up?" -
This deck doesn't really care about how fast it wants to win. All it needs is to control the tempo of the game within its reach and be comfortable with that pace. If you can manage to keep that, everything else will follow. But I do admit that often times I find myself lacking necessary pressure, and the Dogmatika cards are just generally great as a supplementary engine for anything that needs that but isn't really concerned about sacrificing their Special Summons from the Extra Deck. I also did some tests with the Shaddoll Schism, and it could be fine, I guess? But for you to be able to access that, you'd need to turn your Necrovalley off first, which isn't good so I've cut it. But what I did consider is putting x3 El Shaddoll Apkallones in the Extra Deck as Dogmatika Punishment targets and including one copy of each Naelshaddoll Ariel, Shaddoll Dragon, and Shaddoll Beast for added utility.
The game plan, and the list:
It's pretty simple.
x3 Necrovalley -
Your boss card, not even a monster, which deals with the GY. If this card properly resolves, you pretty much win the game against most decks. I do not recall any top tier deck that doesn't make great use of the graveyard as of now, but I am damn sure they all do.
x3 Royal Tribute -
This card is what truly seals the deal, since it deals with the hand. There's a reason why Confiscation, Delinquent Duo, and The Forceful Sentry are all banned. If I could make a room for Monarchs, I'd even put Thestalos the Mega Monarch in here, but maybe that's a list for another day to test. Phantom Knights need to banish themselves to gain effects from the GY. Drytrons activate from the GY, but tributes for cost and cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Eldlich also activates from the GY and also sends for cost. It doesn't matter.
x1 Dogmatika Maximus -
The one card dedicated to deal with the Extra Deck. This is probably the only list of Dogmatika that I'll use Maximus with, at least as of now, because this list isn't really concerned too much with being able to summon Extra Deck monsters.
x3 Skill Drain, Royal Decree, Jinzo -
Any of these three will do, but personally I would choose Skill Drain to deal with on field monster effects. I just want that extra consistency that Pot of Prosperity provides. The latter two for trap heavy floodgates even though we do not really care about that, except probably for There Can Be Only One., also it turns off our Dogmatika Punishments and Solemn Judgments, which is bad because we need protection for Lightning Storm.
x2 Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist -
This card is more of a win more card, which also provides itself and your Necrovalley some neat destruction protection. He's a decent beat stick, and he also searches your Hidden Temples of the Necrovalley, which also is in here to deal with Special Summons in general.
x3 Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley -
It's an archetypal Infernity Barrier, despite it being a hard once per turn, it's still good to have as an added protection to be considered, although it's an SR so if you're on a budget, I don't really recommend it.
Despite winning most of the time without actually needing to Fusion Summon, this still technically is a Fusion strategy so I figured I might want to share it because I love Fusion strategies in general (with a select few exceptions). So yeah, enjoy ruining Eldlich and Drytron players' lists.