Going first deck, You can customise your hand-traps so that Cross-out Designator is able to negate more cards, You can opt for a Hot Red Dragon win condition or Archlord Kristya. You can brick sometimes.
I wanted to keep this short so I left out many specific interactions between cards that you should look out for. I've been optimising and playing this deck since Master Duel was released.
Goals: Dump as much of deck as possible into GY to activate effects and summon multiple negates.
Step 1: Checking for and playing around hand traps:
Bait out hand traps with low value cards.
- Use danger engine to bait out ash-blossom as their effect is not once per turn
- If you have Psy-Framegear Gamma in hand, try to bait out hand-trap into free Chaos Ruler
- Charge of Light Brigade discards cards even if the search is negated
- You have 10 cards which counter Maxx C
- Normal summon Raiden is good for checking for hand-traps
Step 2: Get out Chaos Ruler or Curious
Chaos Ruler is better summon, only Curious if you are unable to go into Chaos Ruler first.
I usually summon Curious with 3 different dark monsters
Curious can send:
- Felis to the GY to set up for Borreload Savage Dragon (Most cases)
- Starliege Seyfert to get Levianeer from GY (if Felis cannot be sent to GY)
- Fairy Tail Snow for more material for Link Summons and disruption on opponents turn
Step 3: Summon Main Negates
- Link Curious into Apollousa (usually for only 2 Monster Negates, the maximum 4 is overkill), so that there is a Link Monster in GY for Borreload Savage Dragon
- Summon Borreload Savage Dragon
If you still have extra resources:
- Go into I:P Masquerena for Underworld Goddess and tribute opponents monster on their turn
- Go into Halqifibrax to summon Forumla Synchron and then Big red synchro dragon
- Go into Archlord Kristya if you are running that win-con
This is a basic end board that you want to achieve, however this deck has many different paths depending on draw and GY rng, you will have to play this deck for a long time to figure out all the possibilities.