NOTE Full Going-Second Cydra deck with maximum XYZ outburst and potential, supported with Clockwork Night and Linkuriboh/Almiraj.
Deck choices
Cyber Dragon - Going with 3x because we're looking to maximize Nova-Infinity play and with the addition of Vimana. Surprisingly easy to get both of them out in the same turn, even with Sieger sometimes. A lot of decks run 2x only, but I choose 3 to take advantage of Clockwork Night together with other deck synergies.
Cyber Dragon Core - Easy search and versatility. Its mandatory effect allows to search for other combo-enablers. The GY effect is broken enough on its own (paired with Clockwork Night, as it extends to complete board clear). Usually searching Cyber Emergency, but able to search for Repair Plant as well (if you have the other one in your hand already, as you're only allowed to play one Emergency per turn). Almiraj succeeds in getting rid of it to enable Repair Plant activation, we always want Cyber Dragon(s) in the GY.
Cyber Dragon Herz - I run 3x in a deck without Clockwork, but here, 2x is enough. Send it to the GY for Cyber Dragon search, push for Galaxy Soldier (fastest Nova-Infinity out) and get the omni-negate out. Foolish runs good here if you don't manage to pull Galaxy Soldier in the starting hand.
Galaxy Soldier - 2x is just fine, you don't need 3x. Pair him with Cyber Dragon Herz for search and XYZ summon, not much to say.
Cyber Dragon Nachster - Only one needed. Had to make room for Clockwork, otherwise I'd run 2x at least. Its effect is nifty and allows a bit of tiptoeing around opponent's negates and traps.
Cyber Eltanin - Board wipe, plus you get your machines in banish so you can use with with Cyberload Fusion and/or Overload Fusion for Chimeratech Overdragon.
Ghost Belle - Can be easily swapped with Ash Blossom. I went for 1x Ghost Belle because there's no place for 3x Ash and we want to keep deck at 40.
Jizukiru - Self-explanatory. Also, it's a machine- you're able to contact fuse It. (You can also search it with Repair Plant, just like Galaxy Soldier or Eltanin)
Clockwork Night - Complete board clear. Contact fuse everything they got and get Chimeratech Fortress Dragon with 5000 ATK / 5000 DEF out easily. Therion King Regulus would be a good search for this, but I really don't own him so I've just built a deck around Cyber Dragon(s).
Cyber Emergency - A combo starter if you open with it. Search anything that allows you to combo further.
Machine Duplication - Get your Cyber Dragons out.
Power Bond - Fuse into Chimeratech Rampage Dragon for OTK (or just use its effect to fend off Herz and, usually, Core).
Called by the Grave - Good card if you're going second (even first).
Cyber Repair Plant - Another search for your combo-enablers.
Cyber Revsystem - In case everything else goes wrong, search it with Core and allow yourself another turn to live with contact fusion.
Cyberload Fusion - Polymerization for Cybers.
Foolish Burial - Send Herz (or Cyber Dragon for Nachster target).
Forbidden Chalice - Effect negate.
Instant Fusion - Panzer Dragon and Chimeratech Rampage target (it can still use its effect to send monsters to the GY).
Harpie's Feather Duster - Backrow removal.
Lightning Storm - Removal.
Limiter Removal - OTK potential (you don't need more, you already got Power Bond and multiple attacks with Chimeratech Rampage Dragon).
Monster Reborn
Overload Fusion - Into one of your two DARK machine monsters.
Raigeki - Removal.
Twin Twisters - Backrow removal (plus you get the GY effect from Herz or if you need Cyber Dragon in there, maybe even Core).
Cybernetic Overflow - Excellent card.
Infinite Impermanence - Read the above.
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon - I still think 2x is enough, I wouldn't know what to take out for another one either. In a meta as fast as this, you wouldn't see the light to use the third one at all, 2x is just enough.
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon - Same as the thing above.
Chimeratech Overdragon - Finisher.
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon - MVP of this deck.
Panzer Dragon - hehe.
Chronomaly Vimana - The only good rank 5 target for your Cybers (since you're not allowed to play 2 Infinities in the same turn).
Cyber Dragon Nova/Infinity
Cyber Dragon Sieger - Great card for boosting ATK in the BP (it's considered as "Cyber Dragon" as well).
Linkuriboh - Get rid of your little Cyber that you have left on the field (or if you need to meet the Repait Plant requirement).
Salamangreat Almiraj - Get rid of your little Cyber that you have left on the field (or if you need to meet the Repait Plant requirement).
Contact "C"
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell - You run a lot of spells. Why not?
Cosmic Cyclose - If you need more backrow removal.
Lost Wind - Great card.
Non-Fusion Area - As dumb as it seems, it doesn't screw you over. You XYZ summon anyway, if it's stopping your opponent from playing, you can play off of Vimana-Nova-Infinity as well as your Link.
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror - For DARK users.
System Down - A lot of consideration went into this one, I just didn't like running it in main deck (even with 3x Clockwork Night in the deck, it just seemed way too unlikely to draw it in your starting hard as well as one of the Clockworks, you have no way for searching either of them out).
Solemn Judgment - If you're really struggling.
Other choices and possibilites
Rivalry of Warlords - Tried it. Too bricky, most of the time you don't even need it.
Of course, you can build a side deck on your own, depending on what you face and play against. I built mine out of cards that I own and that I frequently use against people at locals. Others staples would be favorable.