(I am a budget player who can't really justify spending more than like 7$ on a card, so I won't be playing little night, Ty-phon, the new mulcharmy card that is gonna be a secret, or sadly the new Fiendsmith brew which seems incredibly strong right now)
Just my general thoughts:
I have been a huge Goblin Fan since PHNI, I won a promo card for them at my locals and have been loving them since. I like the pile-ish decks, and the math on correcting ratios and optimizing playable hands has been fun to try and conjigure, but this time I will be trying to tighten up the deck and make it 40 exact. I was at 48 with 15 non-engine, but im going back to 40 and 12 to draw into the non-engine a little more frequently.
The new support is fantastic, they allow for a higher end board, a more diverse extra deck, and some neat ways to play through disruption. I am not sure how to feel about the new trap, banishing bikers is rough, but you can recur them with cards like sea dragon or grand imprisonment. The pay off is nice having a way to D/D crow your opponent, plus a massive swing of goblin bikers can be enough to win the game, but I am worried about the time cost and the fact that it folds to an mst. Sploder and Merciless both banish themselves after a bit, but you would still need to banish 3 more names. Its a lot and probably not worth it imo. Same idea with the tortise right, you got a guy who has a neat payoff, but the set up is too much even though it would probably win the game out right. I wont play it because simply on the way to make the card work well you need to banish a lot of names you play one of and putting yourself in that position is increbibly risky.
For the extra, just some basic 3s is normal I think. The goblin package is one beast and two gabonga because you can special both back when they are destroyed. I like the xyz armor line because it is another suck plus the trap can get you a cicada king on your opponents turn. That and it can make Zeus during your opponents battle phase. The armor xyz stuff is also a lot less than the utopic draco ghost trick stuff and since I am adding links, the extra deck is a little tighter and I dont wan to commit so much to a card that can be evenly'd or change of heart swapped. If I were to run them it would be as just the two incase I have an excess of 3s or something.
Cicada king is awesome and a funny card to summon on your opponents turn. Bamboozling allows you to play through droll, Nib, what have you, but with the new spell being added I think the roll of Nib play througher isnt justifiable. Fortune Tune is a time card hahaha...its a body that can recur cards for something like a dead e-tele in hand. It can also be a great stall card. Darius and machinex is an idea for a card you can make on your opponents turn, but it sort of requires a hand and endboard thats infrequent. Leviar can recur your banished Goblin cards, but I think having the new spell do it for you is already enough so maybe its uneeded.
As for the links, the thought process is that I can make an I:P and summon back the bad *** goblin bikers off of sploder after it summons itself from grave and then link them off for a unicorn or pheonix and suck up another card for gabonga or what ever. Closed is there because we can summon a lot of goblins some times and you'll be stuck with some material and not anything to really do with it. It can also out towers or weird boss monsters which is perfect. Pheonix is an answer to gozen if you just summon tour guide, but that depends on the amount of floodgates I see and the ghost ogres are already sorta there.
We can make 9s now which is neat, but there arent that many bangers. I chose the four I think you can play, the rest are weird chaos numbers or something that requires more than two 9s. Aggregator is a card that can get your goblins in the grave and your dead 3s in grave on field as material that can be detatched for cost, but it can also cheat out a goblin's crazy beast! Insane card imo that raises the end board dramtically. The issue is that for all of these 9s, you need to be in a position where you have both bad *** goblin bikers and grand bash online. Not a tough scenario, but just restrictive enough that I wouldn't necissarily add a ton of 9s to the deck or anything like that. Nine-Lives Cat is a neat graveyard interuption, but we have moon. Phantom Fortress is neat, a hand rip and a D/D crow on your opponents turn, but it can't cheat out goblin's crazy beast. Rubispphirus is awesome, but the only water and fire we have is Merciless and Sploder. Cards that should be in rotation, but not cards that are really going to be there at the time of the grand bash.
Main deck is odd, I like the new Goblin cards, the spell I believe is a three of, the Bad *** bikers are at least a two of, it is a one card starter thats in architype. As for the other engine cards, triple e-tele is nice because you can go with nyannyan and the ghost ogres are mained as a secondary target. Ghost ogre is good for the upcoming meta, you can pop set snake eyes monsters like when poplar sets in the backrow, you can pop nightmare pain, sangen summoning... if they find it? Tour Guide is nice for getting merciless into rotation immediately, plus we don't need a rhino for her because she can just summon herself out if you draw her later. Terror top is amazing, going to three was perfect for the deck. Nyannyan is great, but she does lock you out of the links so sometimes you will pass her up to just summon an ogre. The hand traps are pretty basic and set up for going first. Going second I would maybe think of adding in some Fantastical Dragon Fantazmays or something similar.
Over all, I think the deck is fun and diverse, has answers to a lot of issues going first or second, and the new support adds a higher and more diverse end board to the deck that can be very sticky and hard to deal with. Having Gabonga, bad *** on field, I:P and the armor xyz and trap is like 3 sucks plus a bounce. Its a lot to play through. I may swap Ashura with Aggregator, but I don't know yet and I want to test it more, if it is easy to make a 9 than get three 3s on field then in my opinion aggregator is always the play and I will be swapping them out. Very excited to see how this deck turns out, it is a little more budget, but I think it'll perform fine at my locals and regionals.