With this deck, we are attempting to summon the notorious Spirit of the Pharaoh . Focusing solely on that card, however, spells doom for anyone who wants to win. The remedy is to combine it with the other good zombies in the format. Max out Vampire Lord at 2x, as well as other zombies such as Pyramid Turtle to cheat him out. Giant Rat is also present to help get Turtle on the field. Other staples included are 1x Exiled Force , 1x Sangan , and 1x Morphing Jar to help out bricked hands - it also helps to get your level 2 zombies into the graveyard for Spirit's effect. 1x Emissary of the Oasis is present to protect your small normal monsters.
The spell lineup is standard zombie stuff - 2x Creature Swap , 3x Book of Life , and 2x Tribute to the Doomed to help get your zombies in the graveyard. Round it out with a bunch of goat staples, and then top it off with 1x The Second Sarcophagus and 1x The Third Sarcophagus . In related traps, we run 3x The First Sarcophagus . To finish the trap lineup, we have 1x Call of the Haunted and 1x Ring of Destruction for chainable removal.
The side deck consists of all sorts of counters to various other goat decks - as well as plenty of monsters to swap out of the Spirit of the Pharaoh package.