This deck revolves around the Sphinx monsters and their respective trap card, Pyramid of Light . This is based of ACP's original build, which can be found at here.
While I think the build is good, I wanted more options for hard tributing the Sphinx monsters. I cut Goblin Attack Force for Giant Rat - not only does it thin the the deck, but it also works nicely with Beast Soul Swap so you can dodge something like Mirror Force (thus axing your ability to float into another). I added 2x Tribute to the Doomed in the spell lineup, as 7x level 10s can brick really hard and we need an option for dead cards.. I also cut 1x Fake Trap for a Torrential Tribute as Fake Trap is a really bad top deck, and Torrential is just too good not to include.
Other than that, the game plan is simple - stick your Sphinx monsters on board and OTK. They can put out a lot a damage and work nicely with Skill Drain . The side deck is defensive - Sphinx can actually work pretty well with goat control to help stall until you can get all your combo pieces in hand.