theorycrafting gishki spright for the upcoming TCG format.
This list has not been optimised against the kashtira matchup and the likes so it should be taken with a grain of salt, even with the built-in removal in the form of the new Gishki Icemirror it still has some issues as it has no going second cards as of now.
As it is now this deck is all gas and has very aggressive in its swarming capabilities in order to link your monsters into an end board of Spright Elf , Evigishki Nereimanas , I:P Masquerena , and potentially Toadally Awesome .
The side deck has somewhat been filled with cards seen before at tournament play as well as generic removal and targets for Number 29: Mannequin Cat . I'm also looking at cards such as Aquamirror Illusion as a searchable one-of which could prove to be invaluable as a way to play around cards like Dark Ruler No More and leave you with an extra negate.
I hope you take some inspiration off of this list and tweak it more to your liking when you do. I know I certainly will once I get more experience with it.