You try to make Arionpos as soon as possible, with both Shif and Paces banished. That results in one Askaan -> Big Ghoti on your opponents turn. If you have either Snopios or Zep in your hand you can also summon a White Aura Whale afterwards. I am not a fan of the combo-on-your-own-turn-with-Coelecanth-variant, as Big Ghoti also banishes your own cards, and then all the cool set-up would go to waste.
Shif is the best of the Ghoti Tuners due to being able to banish itself from the GY. Paces is probably the worst one, as it cannot banish itself from the GY, only from field. Zep only works when banished on your opponents turn, which is good and bad. Ixeep summons itself when added by the Field Spell, similar to Salamangreat Gazelle. Snopios is very good, as it can add itself back to hand. Eanoc is bad, same for the traps.
Lifeless Leaffish can either set up White Mirror or send Shif so you can banish it and make Arionpos -> Askaan/Whale on your opponents turn (via Zep). Silent Angler is just an easy extender, but be careful with it's summonlock. Beautunaful Princess get's you any fish you want/need and is summonable with One for One.
Supay is really good, as it get's you any Lv. 6 Synchro, which is nbasically all you want to do turn 1.
White Mirror is an insanely good card, a perfect extender that also gets you follow-up. The fieldspell is also really good and does basically anything the deck wants.
Arionpos banishes you either your tuners, or you can banish Snopios, banish a tuner from GY and then add Snopios to hand. It also searches you any fish by banishing a fish with same or lower level when it is used as Synchromaterial. Askaan usually banishes itself and an opponents card, and then it can come back. it revives itself no matter from where it is banished, so you can revive it on your turn again with e.g. Snopios. Big Ghoti is insane. Just banish everything and then hit your opponent for like 5000 ATK. Guoglim is... really bad. There are some set-ups with it when you have Arionpos + a Tuner on your turn. But it's better to just make Dragite. White Aura Whale is... insane. You Lightning-Storm your opponent, do piercing on 2 monsters, and revive yourself... without a OPT. But be careful, the on-summon effect can miss timing. Chengying is a good Lv. 10 to make on your own turn, as you bansih a lot, so you can easily trigger it and reduce the stats of opponents cards by a lot. Stardust Charge is there because sometimes you need to clean up a board of a lot of small monsters, and you sometimes need another Lv. 6 Synchro. Keeper and Cerberus are there to out e.g. Bagooska.
Play handtraps/staples at your own leisure.
The deck is surprisingly good, and I think whis is the way to play it atm. But we need an additional wave of good Ghoti cards so that it becomes really good. The cards are often in their own way and underpowered (e.g. Zep can banish itself from hand and one fish from your GY, but not as a quick effect. Shifs ATK boost is SS1 and only until end of turn, etc.). So I hope we get more cards for them