P.U.N.K. got hit pretty hard on the recent banlist, but this list lets them extend further and play a slower game if need be. You could remove the main-deck Ghostrick monsters from this list, but I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could build a list that uses them effectively. The endboard we are looking to make is Psychic End Punisher, Utopic Draco Future, and a set Ghostrick Renovation with a Ghostrick Mansion in our field zone, letting us activate Necrovalley on the opponent's turn. This isn't a final list, just a proof-of-concept that I hope others will take and run with to better optimize the build. I'll be going over what the archetypes do together, the card choices, and a few combos for the deck down below.
P.U.N.K. needs little introduction, they're an incredible synchro engine that can turbo-out Lv and Rank 8's, as well as Lv 3 mons. We use the Lv 3 summoning capabilities to make Alucard, which lets us extend into UDF while searching out other pieces of the Ghostrick toolbox. We lean heaviliy on the P.U.N.K. engine, so we are running a pretty full package. The Ghostricks in the deck are for turn 2 and later, letting us build advantage in a longer game, and helping us to survive if our combo gets stopped. The Lv 1's are here to protect our lifepoints and let us live for another turn should our board get broken, the Lv 2's are great at halting the opponent's momentum, and Jianshi is a good searcher. We are only running one Scare, as it is searchable and our turn 1 play doesn't involve setting mons, and we run Shot at 2 due to it's versatility and ability to extend our plays and provide follow-up on future turns.
Out basic lines of play all start with a P.U.N.K. starter (Ze Amin, Foxy Tune, Ogre Dance, Emergency Teleport, or Sharakusai with another P.U.N.K. in hand). Our goal is to get Ze Amin on the field, search Foxy Tune / any other starter, then combo to the best of our ability. If we normal Ze Amin and get negated, but have another starter in hand (E-Tele, Foxy), we can summon another Lv 3 and make Alucard, then follow the Ghostrick line into UDF, or we can extend further by summoning Sharakusai, fusion-summoning Rising Carp, using Carp to summon a Lv 3 and a Deer Note, make JAM Dragon Drive adn search our remaining Lv 3, summon back a Lv 3 / Lv 8 off of Deer note, and make either Psychic End Punisher or UDF. An ideal hand is Ze Amin, an extender, and another P.U.N.K. in hand. We summon Ze Amin, search Foxy / Ze Amin (if we already have Foxy), then special out Sharakusai. Fuse Ze Amin with the other P.U.N.K. in hand to make Rising Carp, tribute Carp to summon Wa Gon and Deer Note. Use Wa Gon to search the field spell and activate it, then make JAM Dragon Drive, searching Madame Spider and summoning back Sharakusai, and drawing a card off of the field spell. Special Madame Spider with the field spell, then search a trap, drawing another card. Make Psychic End Punisher, then overlay for Alucard, overlaying him for Angel of Mischief. Detatch Alucard to search Shot / Mansion / Renovation, depending on what your hand looks like. Summon back Alucard with Shot, overlay for another Angel, then detatch again to search another card, adding Shot back from GY with Alucard's effect. Overlay for Utopic Future, then for Utopic Draco Future. If we had Shot / Mansion / Renovation in hand at the start of the combo, we can also end on a set Renovation with Mansion active, swapping Mansion out for Necrovalley on the opponent's turn.
I hope this list has inspired you to make your own take on Ghostricks! Hopefully this has been a fun read, and an interesting build! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a great day!