This deck has carried me to platinum on 3 different accounts easily. Although the stigma to an FTK deck is that it's prone to bricking, this deck is very consistent since the six samurai engine is absolutely broken (I'm looking at you, Gateway of the Six !).
Card Explanation:
Monster Cards:
- Six Samurai Fuma
A monster that you can easily summon with one bushido counter on Shien's Dojo. That's basically the only thing he's used for.
- Fire Flint Lady
An easily summonable warrior monster for Isolde. It can also special summon a level-4 or lower warrior monster from your hand.
- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Useful for first plays since it special summons other level-4 or lower six samurai monsters from your hand. It is also a great discard target for Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai since this card is easily searchable through Isolde
- Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai
A staple for summoning Saryuja Skull Dread, Isolde, Bamboozling Gossip Shadow, Ghostrick Alucard-- basically summons everything.
- Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
Basically the same as Shinai, but it can free up your field for some more special summons.
- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
An easily summonable monster that is used to summon the XYZ monster that you need.
- Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
An easily summonable monster that is used as a different name for summoning Saryuja Skull Dread
Spell Cards:
- Monster Reborn
Used to be able to extend the combo for summoning Ghostrick Alucard
- Upstart Goblin
A free space on the deck. You can also replace this card with another draw card such as Into the Void
- Reinforcement of the Army
To search for Kizan/Kageki
- Golden Bamboo Sword
Helps with drawing cards you need. It is also easily searchable with Isolde by discarding Cursed Bamboo Sword
- Shien's Smoke Signal
To search for Kageki/Shinai/Mizuho
- Overlay Regen
A staple. You need this card in your hand to add a material to Heraldry Crest
- Broken Bamboo Sword
Used to enable Golden Bamboo Sword
- Cursed Bamboo Sword
Used to search Broken Bamboo Sword / Golden Bamboo Sword, depending on what you need
- Moon Mirror Shield
An Isolde target that can be returned to the deck
- Living Fossil
Another Isolde target, but it can also be used to special summon any level-4 or lower monster from your GY
- "Infernoble Arms - Durendal"
A card that can search for Fire Flint Lady / Mizuho, it is also a target for Isolde
- Temple of the Six
Free Bushido Counter generator
- Six Samurai United
A pot of greed that can generate Bushido Counter if need be
- Gateway of the Six
This card is not once per turn. So you can basically summon an infinite amount of monsters from your deck / GY
- Shien's Dojo
Another Bushido Counter generator, it can also be used as a combo extender to summon Ghostrick Alucard
- Called by the Grave
Just in case your opponent has Maxx "C" or Ash Blossom
Extra Deck:
- Ghostrick Alucard
The target for Heraldry Crest in order to summon Ghostick Angel of Mischief
- Bamboozling Gossip Shadow
Adds 5 materials to your Heraldry Crest
- Daigusto Emeral
You need 2 of this card to do the infinite draw combo. It is also used as a failsafe if your Heraldry Crest or Ghostrick Alucard gets nibiru'd
- Heraldry Crest
Since this card is a Number XYZ Monster, this card can be targeted by Bamboozling Gossip Shadow to add more materials to it. This card's name can be changed to another XYZ Monster's name, this is used to summon Ghostrick Angel of Mischief with 10 materials since after this card's effect is activated, its name becomes Ghostrick Alucard.
- Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
The core of your deck. This card can be summoned with 2 level 4 monsters OR another Ghostrick XYZ monster. If this card has 10 materials, you win the duel
- Dugares the Timeless
A level-4 XYZ monster that lets you draw 2 cards and discard 1 card. Make sure you have a throwable away card in your hand though in case both cards you drew are useful
- Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Used to search a discard target and a bamboo sword card. It is also used to special summon a Six Samurai monster for Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai. You can also use this card to bait Ash Blossom
- Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai
Free Bushido Counter generator. Most of the time, you'd want to summon your six samurai monsters to the zone this card points to. This card is also necessary to search for Gateway of the Six if you don't have it in your hand.
- Saryuja Skull Dread
A free draw and a free special summon. Necessary for infinite draws.
Early Game Combo:
- Summon 2 warrior monsters from your hand using Kageki into another level-4 or lower Six Samurai, a Six Samurai monster + fire flint lady, Mizuho and Shinai, or any Six Samurai monster + Kizan.
- Summon Isolde using 2 warrior monsters to get a discard target + a bamboo card and to summon a Shinai.
- Summon Battle Shogun of the Six Samurai using Isolde and another Six Samurai monster. Make sure you bait out any negates such as Ash Blossom, Effect Veiler, Infinite Impermanence, etc before you summon this card.
- Get Gateway of the Six if you don't have it yet. If you do, get Shien's Dojo for combo extender or Six Samurai United for drawing cards.
- Special summon any six samurai monsters you have in your hand to get Bushido Counters on both Battle Shogun and Gateway of the Six
- From here on out, just draw cards using your extra deck monsters such as Dugares, Saryuja, or Daigusto Emeral
Win Condition Combo:
- Summon Heraldry Crest first
- Then summon Bamboozling Gossip Shadow
- Activate Bamboozling Gossip Shadow, target Heraldry Crest
- Use either Monster Reborn, Living Fossil, or Shien's Dojo to special summon any level-3 Six Samurai
- Summon another level-3 using Gateway of the Six
- Summon Ghostrick Alucard with the two level-3 monsters you summoned before
- Activate Heraldry Crest, and target Ghostrick Alucard. Heraldry Crest's name is now Ghostrick Alucard
- Activate Overlay Regen, target Heraldry Crest
- Summon Ghostrick Angel of Mischief using Heraldry Crest
So how does one get to summon and draw all of those cards?
Daigusto Emeral + Saryuja Skull Dread is absolutely broken, and with 2 Daigusto Emerals, it's basically an infinite draw. How? you may ask, here's the combo:
Infinite Draw Combo:
- Use Saryuja Skull Dread's effect to draw 4 cards, and return 3 to the deck
- Summon Mizuho and Shinai using Gateway of the Six
- Activate Mizuho's effect to tribute Shinai and destroy Saryuja Skull Dread
- Shinai's effect will activate in the graveyard to add 1 Six Samurai monster to your hand, add Kizan
- Special summon 2 Kizans, 1 from Shinai's effect and 1 from Gateway of the Six
- Summon Daigusto Emeral, activate its effect to add Saryuja, Daigusto Emeral, and another monster of your choice (preferably level-3 monsters)
- You can then summon Saryuja again and activate its effect since both Daigusto Emeral and Saryuja Skull Dread are not a hard once per turn.
What this deck is weak to:
- Early Nibiru
Nibiru is absolutely devastating if you don't have Shien's Dojo or Monster Reborn in your hand/field. But if you have either of those, it's still fine.
- Bricking
This is a common problem for most decks, honestly. Although yes, this deck is consistent, it is as consistent as most decks, so there is still a possibility for bricking. A brick hand would be 5 spells that do not summon or add a Six Samurai monster to your hand/field, and that's basically it.
- Battle Shogun being negated while not having Gateway of the Six in your hand/field.
Gateway of the Six is the core of this deck. If you don't have it, or if you can't search for it, it's basically game.
- Going Second
Going second against a meta deck would be a game-ender since most meta decks right now are revolved around negates.