Playing Style
All 8 "Geargia" monsters focus heavily on searching out each other, swarming the field in the process and Summoning Rank 3 and 4 Xyz Monsters, especially their ace cards, "
Geargiagear Gigant XG" and "
Gear Gigant X". Each monster has a different effect to search out cards: "
Geargiano" Special Summons any Level 4 Machine monster from the Graveyard by Tributing itself, meaning that the card can be good to support other archetypes; "
Geargiano Mk-II" can do the same as "Geargiano", but only with "Geargia" monsters, however it can also Special Summon the monster from the hand; "
Geargiano Mk-III" do the same as "Geargiano Mk-II", but only if it is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Geargia" card; "
Geargiarmor" search any "Geargia" from the Deck each time it is flipped face-up and is a solid wall with 1900 DEF; "
Geargiaccelerator" helps to swarm the field, as it can Special Summon itself from your hand and has the bonus effect of adding another Geargia from your Graveyard to your hand when it goes to the Graveyard; "
Geargiarsenal" can Tribute itself to Special Summon any "Geargia" from your Deck and also gains 200 ATK for each "Geargia" you control, even itself; "
Geargiattacker" destroys Spell/Trap Cards on the field, up to the number of "Geargia" monsters you control each time it is flipped face-up.