With the use of Castel, the "Flip" Effects that the Geargias use can be triggered off easily. The Book of Taiyou is another great addition, and I would run 3. Book of Moon is better off on side deck. The Elder Entity helps get your Geargias out of your hand with the use of Instant Fusion. Xyz Summons are done Quickly and Easily with cards like Geargiaccelerator, Gadgets and Geargianos that I run here. I side deck the Rank 3 and I play the Wind Ups too! They can flip easily. As for the Dreadnoughts, I usually Xyz into them with the Geargias and the Geargianos. I usually use Ancient Gear Box with Geargiauger to search the Geargias faster, but the Disadvantage for this is that I can't get my Geargiaccelerator with this, so I usually recurr to reusing Geargiarmor's "Flip" effect to search it, or the Gear Gigant X. Usually the Geargias that go to the Grave I bring them back with either Monster Reborn, Geargiano, and Geargiano MK-II. Mk-III I just keep one of that guy there to get out any Geargias out fast. Basically Xyz Summons really quickly, and uses many Special Summons, so it does have the risk to be Nibirued. Many of the Xyz Summons can be negated, and it still needs a lot to go but this seems to be a pretty solid Deck on its own.