I started to play galaxy photon, a couple of weeks ago and I even did a deck profile on it, but I kept on losing to the meta. I also noticed that galaxy photon was pretty useless without afterglow dragon. This deck does not have galaxy eyes afterglow because it is not released in the TCG sadly. I started to put in a lot of other engines together into this deck and had to watch a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh Videos and combos and I got this deck. Some people might ask how to play this deck and how it is even close to a combo/meta deck.
The reason why I played Dogmatika was because it was just a light engine that stopped everything. And it was a light engine. That's useful to Galaxy Soldier that was almost the only reason why I decided to play it. I unfortunately won't be playing the invoked engine along with it. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to play dogmatika. If you don't then you should watch this video:
Chaos Galaxy
I can't explain it better than this video. If you don't want to play my weird version of the deck play this deck, it's actually meta worthy. Most of the deck is based around it: https://youtu.be/vID5pVkcz-o
I think the side deck is self explanatory. The extra deck is covered in both of the videos. Have A Nice Day