Rank 8 plays with a side of Rank 4's, please.
Strategy itself is a classic. Mill your powerhouse level 8 dragons using your wide variety of methods and abuse your ease of access to the graveyard by quickly reviving them. Use Tachyon Transmigration, Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy and Cyber Dragon Infinity to negate attempts to stop your engine, and OTK your opponent as quickly as possible.
Card Tips & Combos:
- Heliosphere Dragon is a minor strategy in of itself. Not only is it a target for Galaxy Soldier, it's also a stall card to sit on while you're waiting for combo pieces. Once you've found one, you can Rank 4 into Galaxy Stealth Dragon using another Heliosphere Dragon or Dragon Knight of Creation, and start pumping out even more dragons from your hand. Alternatively, it can also make itself a level 8 when another level 8 dragon is on the field, which opens up your Rank 8 plays. Dragon Shield can make Heliosphere indestructible even if your opponent surpasses five cards in their hand.
- Dragon Knight of Creation is fairly versatile, by giving field presence, milling dragons upon destroying a monster, and reviving any dragon by sending itself and a card from your hand to the graveyard. It can be swapped out for Denko Sekka or Ghost Orge & Snow Rabbit (also both Galaxy Soldier targets) if you're facing back-row or effect-heavy decks.
- Dragunity Arma Leyvaten revives Arkbrave Dragon by attaching him as an equip spell from the grave. Once you overlay Leyvaten for a Rank 8 play, Arkbrave is recycled into the grave again to revive another dragon next turn. It can be swapped out for Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon for even more swarm plays, or Amorphage Goliath if you're fighting other Extra Deck reliant builds.
- Draconnection can be a good little combo with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon or Galaxy Stealth Dragon, by letting you pick and choose which level 8 dragon you want to SS from your hand, by trading for something else from your deck. If you have Dragon Ravine or Galaxy Soldier in your hand as well, it can be used in a pinch if you really need to get a Lord Felgrand or Amorphage Goliath into the graveyard, but not the Photon Dragon or Arma Leyvaten sitting in your hand.
- Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One is an instant Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, which goes into Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, if you draw it for a draw phase. If not? No big deal, just ditch it as cost for Dragon Ravine.
- People underestimate Galaxy Queen's Light. Instant Rank 8 play with one dragon and any other monster(s) is extremely helpful in a pinch.
- Quickdraw Synchron synchros with Galaxy Soldier to go into Ultimaya Tzolkein, which SS's powerhouses like Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons just by setting a spell card before using it. Links nerfed this Extra Deck spam strategy a bit, but it's side decked in case you're not playing link format, or can find a way to make it work in link format.
Note about Link Format:
This isn't formatted for links but it can be with minimal edits. Because half our Extra Deck XYZ summons into one another (ergo only requiring our one Extra Monster Zone), if you strategize what you're going to need and use, you won't even need a Link Monster to spam more than one Xyz monster at a time in every duel. Infinity or Titanic Galaxy for negation, Full Armor for popping then goes into Dark Matter for milling, Galaxy Stealth Dragon or
Queen Dragon Djinn for swarming and protection, the Cipher Dragons for more shenanigans, and
Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld or
Starliege Paladynamo for additional effects.