This deck uses the Six Samurai loop to summon Arcana Force XXI: The World while you have Light Barrier on the field. The reason it is a Frog the Jam FTK/OTK is because you use him to get the final blow. Make sure you summon The World, Frog the Jam, and Grandmaster of the Six Samurai under Saryuja's arrows so they get the attack boost. Tribute both Legendary Six Samurai Kizan on the end phase of your turn to skip your opponent's turn with The World's effect, then summon them back on your next turn. Make sure the two Kizans don't gain Saryuja's ATK boost. Attack with the two Kizans to do 3600, The World to do it 3400 (with Saryuja's boost), then attack with Frog the Jam to do the last 1000 (he also has Saryuja's boost).
NOTE: Use Saryuja's 2nd eff to summon The World and Frog the Jam. If you run out of Saryujas in your extra deck, use your current Saryuja to make a Cross-Sheep, use two Kizans to make an Emeral, then shuffle the 3 Saryujas back with Emeral's effect. The side deck is completely optional.