2024-08-11 02:09:45
+ 1Lavalval Exlord+ 1Noble Arms - Gallatin+ 3Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms+ 3Infernoble Knight Ogier+ 1Immortal Phoenix Gearfried+ 2Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms+ 1"Infernoble Arms - Durendal"+ 2Infernoble Knight Captain Roland+ 1Noble Arms - Clarent+ 1Battlin' Boxer King Dempsey+ 1Formula Synchron+ 2Heritage of the Chalice+ 1Tri-Edge Master+ 2Infernoble Knight Ricciardetto+ 1Noble Knights of the Round Table+ 3Horn of Olifant+ 3Infernoble Knight - Renaud+ 1Infernoble Knight Oliver+ 1Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights+ 1Infernoble Knight Captain Oliver+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 1Terraforming+ 2Blazing Mirror Force+ 1Glory of the Noble Knights+ 2Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles+ 3Infernoble Knight - Roland+ 1Noble Arms - Arfeudutyr+ 2Infernoble Knight Turpin+ 1"Infernoble Arms - Joyeuse"+ 1T.G. Hyper Librarian+ 1Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante+ 1Noble Knight Artorigus+ 1Infernoble Knight Maugis+ 1Emperor Charles the Great+ 1"Infernoble Arms - Almace"
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