End Turn 1 on Crystron Needlefiber/Halquifibrax, Borreload Savage Dragon, One LV2 Tuner monster, and either Block Dragon or Apoullousa
During my opponent's main phase, I chain Needlefiber to synchro summon Formula Synchron.
Wait for opponent to resolve an effect I can chain off of then activate Formula Synchron to synchro summon Red Hot Dragon Archfiend King Calamity.Activate Red Hot Dragon Archfiend King Calamity's effect off the synchro summon to lock them out of all card effects. <-- Resolving this effect is almost guaranteed a free win.(Make sure no other effect is resolving last or else RHDA King Calamity's effect won't trigger on Synchro Summon)
Opponent has no choice but to to end turn.
During Turn 3 (My 2nd Turn), I usually use Block Dragon + 1 other monster besides RHDA King Calamity as Link material for any Link Monster (Union Carrier or I:P Masquerena) at the the time and then resolve in the gy to fill my hand with combo pieces.
I usually get out Union Carrier + Adamancipator Risen - Dragite/Borrelsword Dragon
Activate Union Carrier to equip RHDA King Calamity with Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
BP then attack with all monsters
Goal 2:
1st Turn end will usually with as many disruption/negation monsters as possible. Usually something like Apollousa + Borreload Savage Dragon and/or Adamancipator Risen - Dragite + Herald of the Arc Light/Koa'ki Meiru Guardian + Abyss Dweller + Block Dragon
Disruption the hell out of my opponent during their turn.
Turn 3 I send Block Dragon to resolve the GY effect if needed.
I tested this deck a ton of times to make sure its consistent no matter what hand it is. Of course bricks are bound to happen no matter what but very very rarely. Enjoy it while it still has Block Dragon.
5/5/2020 Edit: Decided to add Avramax and test it out. Its definitely an amazing card to tech in as protection.
Here are some videos showing off the board with Apoullousa + Avramax + Borreload Savage Dragon equipped w/ Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
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