This deck is a twist of Carly Carmine's Fortune Lady deck from the anime, its based around Fortune Lady monsters and Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu. Fortune Lady Every, Slacker Magician and Downerd Magician are in the Extra deck. The spells/traps in the deck are mostly for Fortune Lady cards with a few cards for Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu. With the cards Sunny Pixie, Solitaire Magician and Fortune Lady Past the Xyz summoning of Slacker Magician and Downerd Magician is easier. The Xyz monster Slacker Magician gives a strong defence, where Downerd Magician can follow up with a strong offence. The more important spell/trap cards are Future Visions which can trigger Fortune Lady light's ability to special summon a Fortune Lady monster from your deck and Inherited Fortune which can special summon stronger Fortune Lady monsters. Tribute summoning Fortune Lady Water for Fortune Lady Dark is a good combo, where after destroying a monster can special summon Fortune Lady Water and allow you to draw two cards. The spells Time Passage and Synchro Boost are important early on for keeping Fortune Lady monsters alive, so they can gain strength during your standby phases. All the monsters are spellcasters, except for Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu, so cards like Solidarity, Yami and Dwimmered Path are good. Carly Carmine is my favourite character in YuGiOh 5D's and these are many of my favourite YuGiOh cards.