Some other card mentions.
Elderlich the golden lord (allows a spell/trap pop each turn with tobbocan.) (2 max) no need to play zombie searchers
Traptrick (set a trap card of choice) (need to bumb dreaming town to 2 to use it) (free lance monsters is a recyclable flexible alternative.
Necro face (to reset extra deck and deck against banish decks. (Running 1 or 2 is fine) With gold sarco (gold sarco becomes a recyleable 2 turn search card.
One day of peace (Can be used to create a loop with raiza to stall for time if necessary. moisture creature can be used as its a fairy (time lords could also be used on opponents turn with free Free-Range Monsters (but the main thing is to use faries that can die so you can have a resummonable archlord kristya by tribute or special by discarding star-seraphs to the grave so its equals 4. (the star seraphs act as secondary starter engine outside of map + bird or just bird.). (The beast king barbados can be dropped against opponents who cannot negate effects in their turn to wipe boards). Beast king can be replaced with other cards.
Personally, I have never really liked Shifter and I feel double raiza is needed to ensure you can get at least 1 off to do incredible loops with returning cards to own deck , hand etc and spinning. Floowbreeze can run droplets its hand size gets ridiculous.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i recently tried terminal world and bamboo swords over other card to varying success.
My old account the strangebiscuit has my other floowbreeze decks.