Ah birds… the other warm-blooded animal that I always forget. Almost like modern day dinosaurs, thoses (almost all the time) little creatures are in every continent of our world while being one of the most common animals that you’ll see.
One of the most famous birds is the not so impressive Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) , a bird that flies enormous distances compared to another being, almost 70. 000 kilometers (in normal units) or 46. 000 miles (in burguer units), travelling literare around the world. And that journey, my fellow traveler, is where Floowandereeze starts.
Let’s begin our journey
Above everything, the Floowandereeze archetype is about a journey of 3 littler Arctic terns (the Floowandereezes) flying in their migratory route, from Greenland or Iceland to the Antarctic continent. It has a control style of play, with so many cards that are stalls on leg, like Floowandereeze & Empen who prevents any special summon monsters from active its effect while in atk mode or, Floowandereeze & Snowlwho is a evolution ofUltimate Conductor Tyranno, that can flip face down any special summon monster in your opponent field. But how does this deck work?
Unlike any other meta contender this deck doesn't perform any special summon. At first this sounds weird, doesn't it? But don’t fear, my fellow traveller,because our destiny point will guide us along the way. Every low level Floowandereeze monster has the effect that when you normal summon it an effect is activated and soon after you can perform another normal summon, with the down side that prevents you to special summon in this turn. Furthermore, when they leave the field they go to the banned pile instead of GY, while letting your GY completely empty. Thus , you lose your monster , right? WRONG!! When you normal summon a winged beast monster the can be added to hand once more, even if it were tributed in this right moment. “The best way to describe Flundereeze is if a True Draco player and a monarch player made custom cards together” once said GioGio.
We have cards like Floowandereeze & Eglen (representing the USA) and Floowandereeze & Robina (representing England) , that are starters of this deck . The first one searches any Winged-best with +7 star then you can normal summon winged beast monster from your hand, and the latter one can search any -4 star from you deck then normal summon any winged beast monster from you hand. That is superb because Robina can used as an extender to add Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds or D. D. Crow to your hand, and summon it after you out a big board monster or you can search any low level Floowandereeze to help in yours plays; Eglen in other hand bring to you hand cards like the already mentioning Floowandereeze & Snowland Floowandereeze & Empen, and further cards like Mist Valley Apex AvianandSimorgh, Lord of the Storm, the Apex being a excellent negate and Simorgh, Lord of the Storm a really annoying card, but almost every time you’ll search Empen, because it has an ability of search any spell / trap Floowandereeze card.
Other low level Floowandereeze monsters are Floowandereeze & Toccan(representing my home country, Brazil)and Floowandereeze & Stri(representing the Sahel region from Africa, possibly Sengal or Mauritania). Toccan can add any Floowandereeze card that is banished to your hand then soon after normal summon any winged monster from your hand; The angry Stri is your portable D. D. Crow, that can banish any card from either Gy to perform its Floowandereeze effectbeing a powerful interrupt in the opponent turn.
The friends along the way
As I said before, the GY is empty , so you can use the most devilish tech in this format, Dimensional shifter, a portable macro cosmo that can literally extort your opponent to pass his/her turn. And the most deadly of all, you can use it further down the duel because you GY will be almost every time empty. Did This angry dude mess with this deck? Absolutely no, he is almost an honorable Floowandereeze monster.
Pots will be our “baggage” in specific: Pot of ExtravaganceandPot of Duality .The first one would be better if were a Prosperity, but you can never complain about what you have, and the second one is perfect since you don’t have to special summon. They can fulfill your hand in no time and accelerate your plays. Another special baggage is Gold Sarcophagus, an awesome card to search any low level Floowandereeze.
Our map to fortune is Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map, which (alongside Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town) is one of the most powerful items in your journey. It grants you the ability to have an extra normal summon by revealing a Floowandereeze monster and banishing a different Floowandereeze card from your deck and then normal summoning that first monster... phew... and if you a another low level Floowandereeze, you can add to your hand by its effect and is not over yet: if your opponent normal summon a monster , you can normal summon a Floowandereeze monster from your hand, in another word, in case that your opponent interrupt your plays you can know play in his/her turn like nothing really happened. Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town does the same thing, with an additional effect that you can banish this card and flip face down every monster that were special summon in your opponent turn. Both of these cards are what make this deck so fearsome to play against.
For our final Floowandereeze card we have Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds: an archetype Soul exchange card. Not so useful , but come on… that’s a really good looking card, like a good summer’s sunset after a really long year in school.
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries: since its extra deck doesn’t matter I decide to throw this deck on the side, making your opponent sweat in the process;
Harpie's Feather Storm and Harpie's Feather Duster: These cards work amazingly with this deck , since almost all monsters are WIND winged beasts, and Harpie's Feather Storm is basically a skip a turn, definitely 3 of, and finally can search Harpie's Feather Duster if destroyed.
Basic combo: using just one Robina
Normal summon Robina an then search Eglen;
Immediately normal summon Eglen that you searched and then search Empen;
Immediately tribute summon Empen;
Chain link 1 Empen, chain link 2 Robina, chain link 3 Eglen;
Eglen and Robina go to your hand, Empen searches dreaming town;
Map+Robina: 1xMagnificent map+1Robina
Activate Map, use its effect revealing Robina, banish Eglen from your deck and immediately summoning Robina;
Chain link 1 Robina chain link 2 Eglen;
Eglen goes to your hand, robina searches Barrier statue of the Stormwinds then immediately summons Eglen;
After this amazing journey we stand upon this magnificent view, ICE, ICE everywhere,even because we arrived in Antarctica, land of the penguin ahaha. Jokes aside, this deck is one of the most enjoyable to play in recent years, and if you saw my Paleozoic Frog deck , you know that I love natural history, and seeing the amazing arts of these incredible birds was a pleasure… Man... What amazing birds. I hope you enjoyed this guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. Stay tuned for more Floowanderezees guides (now with a Dogmatika package).
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