The goal of this build is to take full advantage of the smaller Floowandereeze monsters' banishing effects.
Macro Cosmos, Dimensional Fissure and Dimension shifter help support the latter. Both Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure help continue cleaning up the grave for Dimensional Shifter to continue being viable after turn 1. Floowandereeze Stri can also be used to clean own graveyard up for Dimensional Shifter to work. The deck is built to try and support Dimensional Shifter as much as possible while balancing Floowandereeze board presence.
There are enough search cards in the deck to work through disruption. If boards are too difficult to work through then Dark Ruler No More can be subbed in for the Harpie's spell/traps.
Gold Sarcophagus (In my opinion) is highly being underestimated in Floowandereeze builds. It can banish a small Floowandereeze to recur back to hand once another small Flowandereeze has been normal summoned (not having to wait for Gold Sarcophagus' to fully resolve) or it can search any other card in the deck non-searchable (most often very useful for searching Dark Ruler No More or Called by the Grave)
Extra deck is open to anything per preference.