Guru control deck that uses a lot of fun/funny combos.
Goal of the deck is to get Guru out on the field and start building card advantage by searching via it's flip effect. I wish I could have worked more Subterror cards in here so that it was an acutal proper subterror control deck but when I tried that it was honestly too slow / I bricked way too much so I downsized it into primarily a Guru Control strategy.
Got the idea while looking for decks that would synergize well with Heat Wave and found a Subterror deck on here that had Heat Wave/Skill drain in the side deck and thought that was a funny idea. Shoutout to whoever made this deck:
Z-ARC idea came from watching a YouTube video on playing Flame Swordsman as a control/trap strategy.
Example combos/synergies:
- All Subterror effects are still live under Skill Drain as long as you activate Subterror Final Battle every turn and choose "prevent effect negation". Your Subterror monsters can also get massive under Skill Drain via Subterror Final Battle and Subterror Cave Clash.
- Activating Subterror Final Battle can trigger Lord of the Heavenly Prison and also Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle. Both of these cards can also search Subterror Final Battle.
- Subterror Final Battle is NOT once per turn!! You can play two copies and get two flips/attack boosts etc.
- Similar to Skill Drain trick: Heatwave prevents Normal/Special Summons of effect monsters but doesn't stop Set/Flip summon. You can activate Heat Wave at start of Main Phase 1. Set Guru. Flip Guru using Final Battle or The Hidden City to get search.
- All the Subterror monsters are different levels and types so they're all still playable under There Can Only Be One and And the Band Played On.
- And the Band Played On is a decent floodgate, especially against swarm decks with a lot of monsters with the same level/rank.
- Soul of the Supreme King + Z-ARC can be used as a board wipe. Z-ARC's boardwipe will trigger on summon but because it's effects are negated by Soul of the Supreme King. However, if you flip it facedown it's effects stop being negated so the boardwipe will go off. This deck has a few ways to do this:
- Z-ARC hits the field and its effect activates -> Chain book of moon, destructive daruma karma cannon, or guru's effect.
- If using Guru's effect: Make sure you have another face-up subterror card so it's a quick effect! If you forget you can chain Final battle (pick any of the effects other than flipping guru face down) to Z-arc's activation and then, bc final battle is face-up, you can chain guru's effect.
- You activate Soul of the Supreme King -> Chain Final Battle to flip up Guru (make sure you have another subterror card face-up so it's effect is quick effect) or Ultramafus -> Z-ARC hits the field and its effect activates -> Chain Ultramafus' flip effect or Guru's quick effect depending on what you flipped.
Random caveats:
- I almost always use Heat Wave > Extravagance if I have both in hand on first turn. Heat Wave is harder to negate if going first and also I just enjoy it more so there's that.
- I don't really use the extra deck except for potential Z-ARC so I didn't put a lot of work into it. Could be improved/tweaked.
- The OCG and TCG have different rulings on whether both Guru and the other monster need to be flipped for it's flipping face down effect to be activated. There's also some funkiness around whether the Subterror monster Fiendess targets needs to be flipped for the negate to work but forgot the specifics.
- I usually search out Guru -> Final Battle -> Fiendess -> Ultramafus -> Cave Clash in that order for my guru searches.
- If you have both Guru and Hidden City, always set Guru and then use Hidden City to flip him to get his search on turn 1!