2024-04-07 19:54:44
+ 2Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen+ 1Valkyrie Brunhilde+ 3Valkyrie Dritte+ 1Lightning Storm+ 1Final Light+ 1Valkyrie Chariot+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1Valkyrie Zweite+ 1Goddess Skuld's Oracle+ 2Solemn Strike+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 2Apple of Enlightenment+ 3Valkyrie Sechste+ 1Valkyrie's Embrace+ 3Valkyrie Funfte+ 1Goddess Verdande's Guidance+ 2Ride of the Valkyries+ 2Valkyrie Erste+ 2Dimensional Prison+ 3Valkyrie Vierte+ 1Valkyrie Erda+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Goddess Urd's Verdict+ 1Mischief of the Time Goddess+ 2Valkyrie Sigrun
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