Deck all about spamming out link monsters and eventually U-linking your opponent!
Also your main combo lines are your standard mathmech lines of Cicular dump sigma summon sigma trigger Circular search equation overlay into Almbertain use it's eff to search subtraction subtraction summon itself by targeting Almbertain to link into splash mage from there you go into splash mage eff to res one of your mathmechs to make transcode *HOWEVER* here you will heavily want to have cynet codec out to further your plays via making transcode with codec to codec search Generator to transcode res splash mage link splash and Generator off into your copy of Excode here you go CL1 Codec CL2 Generator CL3 Excode to chain block and proctect from ash Generator dumps dotscaper and codec searches Parallel Exceed from here link Transcode and dot into Inverted here you have to do things backwards so you get to summon the card you search off of Codec with inverted so Inverted CL1 codec CL2 codec will search specifically skipper which will be summoned off inverted link Skipper and inverted into Protectcode which here you have 2 lines to go through depending on your hand if you have either Defenser or Guardian you want to search iblee if not you want to search defenser with codec I'll be explaining the Defenser line so Codec CL1 Skipper CL2 skipper search gatchiri codec search defenser activate gatchiri targeting your Protectcode and link it and excess code off into firewall here you go CL1 Gatchiri CL2 Parallel summon your parallel to the zone directly beside firewall and make firewall unaffected then parallel eff to summon another copy of itself then link the 2 Parallel and protectcode into darkfluid darkfluid cl1 firewall cl2 summoning out defenser from here you activate the copy of equation you searched at the start of the combo to summon back a mathmech then you link your defenser and mathmech to make crystal heart which defenser eff summons out guardian you then use crystal heart eff to res transcode and you then link your guardian off into a copy of Balelynx Balelynx CL1 guardian CL2 summon itself back to the zone right next to access code and search your copy of sanctuary activate sanctuary and then activate your protectcode eff in grave banishing your copy of excesscode to summon itself then link it defenser and firewall off into your singularity and then boom you have a full U-link now if you also had an iblee in opening hand I reccomend swaping the fusion out for linguriboh so you can link iblee into lingurboh and give your opponent the iblee so you've U-linked and stopped your opponent from summoning.
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